Thursday, August 14, 2008

How to Host the Carnival

Interested in Hosting?
It isn't hard, but it does take some time. Here are a few guidelines:

1. Anyone who has participated in Make it From Scratch is eligible to host.
2. Please announce at your blog that you will be hosting, and where readers can send their posts to be included.
3. Entries will be sent to a yahoo account. Details will be given to you the week before you host.
4. The host is the judge of whether a post is appropriate for the carnival.
5. Organize the posts anyway you like. Be creative and have fun with it!
6. Post "Make it From Scratch" Tuesday, and email everyone who has been included in the carnival.
The schedule can be found at the Blog Carnival page. Click on the "future hosts" tab. If you would like to host please email makeitfromscratch at with the url you will be hosting at and a date if you have a specific one in mind.

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