Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Carnival #81

This week the carnival is at Funny about Money. What a great group of entries we have this week. There are some wonderfully creative ideas, and recipes that are making me hungry just by the titles. Be sure to go check all the entries out, but here are some that caught my eye this week.

Five Days for the Freezer
Kate shares the freezer meals she prepared after their monthly shopping trip. I am inspired!

Frugal Ikea Hacks: Make Your Own Laptop Case
I don't have a laptop. I don't sew, but this post is still extremely interesting to me. Guess I just love when someone figures out how to solve a problem without spending a lot of money!

Brownie Mix–Gift in a Jar
Had to include this with the edible gift theme that we started last week. I love how she finished this gift by hot gluing a label to the jar.

Thanks for you support of the Carnival! Enjoy!

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