Thursday, October 2, 2008

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

I love cranberries. I like them dried. I like them in breads. I like cranberry juice, but that blob that pops out of the can and passes for cranberry sauce on the Thanksgiving table, I can do with out. I know some of you love that pre-made cranberry sauce in a can, but I challenge you to try making your own once. It is incredibly easy, and the flavor far exceeds the canned version.

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Beats the stuff in a can any day!

See Homemade Cranberry Sauce on Key Ingredient.

This can be made several weeks ahead and stored in the refrigerator. Try a batch before Thanksgiving and see what you think. If you like it, you'll have one thing to mark off your list. If you don't like it, you can always go buy a can of sauce.


  1. I'm with you--I much prefer the homemade version, and you can control the sugar and make it as tangy or as sweet as you please! Thanks for the recipe.

  2. You can also add orange juice as part of the water. That adds an interesting new flavor to it.

  3. Maybe I will try this at Thanksgiving. I always have to buy the can of jell for Grandma Norma!

  4. We love homemade cranberry sauce. :D I make my grandma's every year. :D

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