Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Carnival #97 - My picks of the week.

This week the carnival is at The Daily Dish. The pictures alone are making me quite hungry this morning. There are also some interesting crafts and DIY posts. Here are some of my favorites from this edition.

Puerto Rican Hotsauce
"2-4 Habaneros" We are talking some heat baby. This sauce sounds wonderful. I may be adding habaneros to the garden this year!

Sour Gummy Recipe
What a fun one to do with the kids!

How to Make a Bib from a Handtowel
My daughter (7) and I both got a sewing machine for Christmas. (Hers is a kid's version.) I'm on the prowl for simple projects we can do together. This one would fit the bill.

Hope you enjoyed the carnival this week. Thanks to all who participate!

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