Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hand Made "You're All-Write" Valentines

These hand made Valentines are a great way to 'spread the like' on Valentine's Day. They are especially good for boys to give out being that they aren't always as keen on the lovey-type valentines found in the stores.

Along with being sweet without being overly affectionate, these treats are fat and sugar free. I have to admit that while I don't deprive my kids from sweets, I am usually the Mom who gives out the non-candy treats for holidays. Do they really NEED another candy bar or gummy whatever in their bags? Our state has instituted a wellness policy in our schools that allows limited sweets at school parties and this is perfect for those situations, too.

Skip the crowded seasonal aisle and head straight for the stationery to whip these up in a jiffy! Use your imagination to come up with other phrases if you'd like.

Memo-sized notepads
Cardstock or paper
Stamps, stickers, markers
Computer and printer
Printer labels (optional)
Scissors or paper trimmer
Adhesive (I used Glue Dots)
Pencils (optional)
Step 1: Print your saying on printer labels or directly onto card stock. We used the phrase, "Valentine, You're 'All-Write!' Your Friend, Steven." Trim to fit if necessary. Place labels onto paper or cardstock.

Step 2: Trim cardstock or paper to fit the cover of your memo pad. Mine were about 2 5/8 X 4 1/8 inches.

Step 3: Decorate your card with stamps, stickers or other art supplies as desired.

Step 4: Attach to the cover of your memo pad with adhesive.

You can see the different steps I took in the photo below. Set them up in an assembly line to make several at one time.
Other phrases you could use are:
~Write on, Valentine!
~You're the 'Write' one for me.
~You're picture perfect. (With a small stick figure or smiley face drawn on it)
Heather is a wife, mom,
school cafeteria worker,
councilwoman and babysitter from Ohio.
She also blogs at Heather LessiterIts All for the Best
and The Fat Bottomed Girl.


  1. Great idea! I'm with you about the sweets--the memory of the excesses of December is still pretty fresh!

  2. Adorable! I'm going to have to file this idea away for when my kiddos are a little older.

  3. Oh this is so cute! We can't do sweets in school here either. This is such a useful alternative. I'll be linking.
