Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Carnival #101

This week our carnival can be found at Greenhab: One family's journey to green up their lives. This is the home blog of Kellie, one of the MIFS contributors. Thanks Kellie for a wonderful carnival!

Be sure to head over there for the entire carnival, but here are a few that I found particularly interesting:

This is a project by RecycleCindy. I love all of Cindy's projects, but most of them are out of my skill set since they involve crocheting. This one is different. Incredibly cute, and something even I could make!

Love these ideas for re-purposing items for nest boxes. If you raise chickens in the city or the country, there is no need to spend a lot of money to keep your hens happy. 

The cheese crust sold me on this post. Though, I have to admit, I have no idea what kind of cheese that is in the recipe! Of course, the using what you have, and making a large quantity at once were also great features to this post.

Would you like to host a carnival or contribute to this blog? It is easy. Just email makeitfromscratch (at) yahoo.com for details!

Of other interest around the blog world:

You don't have to consider yourself a homesteader to enjoy this carnival. This carnival is full of recipes, crafts, and other do it yourself ideas. 

This is a shameless plug for a guest post I wrote for Scribbit


  1. I love the ideas you post on your blog.
    Thank you for your work. I appreciate it.
    -Florida Cindy
