Monday, February 23, 2009


Thank you to Kim at Sacred Heart of Jesus for awarding Make it from Scratch the Your Blog is Fabulous Award. 

First, as part of this award,  I must confess five things that I'm addicted to.

1) Coffee.
Must have it every morning.

2) The computer.
Again, must have it, every morning. 

3) Trying new things.
I love trying something new. Speaking of trying something new, Firsts on the First will soon be here. What new things have you tried this month? Won't you share them with us on the first?

4) Raising animals.
We basically have a petting zoo here. Though it is certainly work, it is the most fun work on my ever growing list of responsibilities. We've had lots of new babies recently, and that is always exciting. 

5) Gardening
Winter is a hard time for a garden addict. I've eased the withdrawals some by pouring over seed catalogs and starting some seeds indoors, but where oh where is spring?! I'm suffering here! 

Now, I have the privilege to pass this award on to five other Fabulous blogs. 

Be sure to stop by and check these fabulous blogs!