Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's the time of year that the cabin fever starts to set in. Winter has been around all too long and the kids have been cooped up just enough to make you want to pull your hair out one thin strand at a time. This is when moms dust off their desperation creativity and search the internet ol' brain for something to get the kids out of their hair squealing with glee.


What you need is a quick and easy concoction the kids will LOVE that can be whipped up with simple ingredients that you might have around the house.

Enter Glubber, the rubbery, bouncy, slimy-feeling glop that will literally take minutes to make and keep kids happy for hours.

1 Tablespoon Borax
1/4 Cup White Glue
1/4 Cup water

Pour 1/4 Cup water in a plastic cup; add Borax and stir for 2 minutes until water is saturated (you will still have some borax in the bottom of the cup). Pour glue into a zip-top bag. Pour the liquid from the Borax mixture into the bag, zip bag closed and squeeze bag until a soft mass forms in the liquid (about 30 seconds). Run tap water in the bag for about 10 seconds to rinse the glubber off. Remove it from the bag and play away (try bouncing it!). Store in an airtight bag.

I have never tried coloring the glubber, but I would think you could add a tiny bit of food coloring to the glue to give your glubber a tint. If you try that, let me know.

Heather is a wife, mom,
school cafeteria worker,
councilwoman and babysitter from Ohio.
She also blogs at
Heather LessiterIts All for the Best
The Fat Bottomed Girl.


  1. I haven't any little ones around anymore but I started thinking as I was reading this, "I'd love to do this", lol. Must be that this nasty virus I've picked up has brought the child out in me. Margaret

  2. Hi Heather! The Make It From Scratch Carnival is now posted. Just thought I'd let you know. Thanks for having me host this week. Have a great one!

  3. haha i love how all the comments are from moms! i used this for my glubber project in 6th grade and it really helped! thanks
