Friday, March 6, 2009

Drink Coasters From Scrap Fabric

I think "in this economy" is one of the most overused phrases of 2009, yet I keep using it myself. For example... In this economy, I can't really afford to pick up little "just because" gifts for friends when I see something I think they'd like. So I've been trying to come up with things like hostess gifts that I can make myself. Sitting and looking at my own old, stained coasters at dinner the other night, I came up with this idea for a quilted drink coaster.

You've probably seen the fabric before. I bought too much of it and have used it for several projects already. It says "spring time" to me, so I thought it would be a nice change on our dining room table. Maybe it will encourage spring to show her lovely face.

Start by cutting front and back pieces into 5" squares. I also lined these with some white fleece that I had leftover from another project. You could use batting or any other scrap fabric you have. The lining should be cut into 4.5" squares.

Take the lining you've chosen and tack it to the wrong side of the back piece. Tacking it at the corners will make it easier to turn right side out later. You can skip this step if you don't mind fidgeting with it later.

Place the back piece and front piece right sides together, pin, sew around the edges, leaving a gap for turning. Clip corners and turn. Iron.

Fold the opening in, pin, and sew all around the outside of the coaster. There's not much seam allowance, so if you don't feel comfortable living on the edge (or at least sewing on the edge) then you can increase the size of the original squares to 5 1/4" square.

Now it's time to quilt! I simply made a spiraling square. You could sew along the line of what's on your fabric, like around the flowers that are on mine. If you've used a striped fabric, you could sew along the various lines. Use your creative genius here!

I ran out of time (which is why I'm posting this so late) and have only made 4 so far, but will get to the rest of them today. I think they would be a perfect hostess gift tied up in a set of 8.

~* Kellie blogs regularly at Greenhab: The Browns Go Green *~


  1. These are so beautiful. It is something that is so important to me. Being economical or frugal doesn't mean cheap and nasty. Please link this to our Buddy's, I think there are so many who are looking for this type of idea. Who knows, making your own gifts might be the next fashion statement, I hope so, Margaret

  2. Handmade and frugal is "in" no matter what the economy IMO!

    These turned out wonderfully!

  3. Those are adorable! Great idea ;)

  4. I love the little touch of tying it up with a ribbon. So often, I forget to do something nice for the gift presentation. Now I find that the presentation really makes a present. Nice work!

  5. Those are really cute! I really need to get myself a sewing machine.

  6. VERY cute idea! I always, always love a handmade gift, and these are greatness!

  7. these are great, i love the quilted pattern. adding them to my to-do list!

  8. How cute. What a great way to use fabric leftovers!

  9. I love this idea! I'm gonna have to try it soon. Thanks :)

  10. Thank you very much for contributing your post to my craft carnival. Your coasters are beautiful and it is such a great idea! It's always nice to have handmade gifts to give out and these would be perfect!

  11. I just came from Craft Carnival @ Keiki Craft (Hawaii WAHM). I love your fabric coaster instruction - so much so that I actually posted a link to this post in my blog a while ago.

  12. I followed your link over from the Craft Carnival this last week. Your coasters are so cute and the ribbon tying them together really finished it off as a great-looking recycled gift idea.

  13. adorable! I so wish I could sew but I love it!

  14. just bought a sewing machine. bookmarked these. theyre on my to-do list.


  15. I made these for Christmas presents this year, I posted them here and blogged about your site!

    Thanks for the fantastic ideas!



  16. I love these i wish i was more confident in quilting i would definitely make these for gifts. I'm a new follower of your blog and loving it.

  17. I LOVE this post! I actually found it by doing a google search on how to make your own coasters. As soon as I get my hands on a sewing machine it's gonna be coaster city around here!

  18. Great idea! Thanks. I'm totally using my scraps for this :)

  19. Hi there, I have made coasters in the past for many of my friends and family using the same concept; however, I love your idea of the stitching to make them look more quilted. Friends of mine are trying to pull together a project to open a park in Wisconsin for special needs children. I was going to make some of these and have them sell them. All money would be donated to the project. Is this something we can do? thanks, Kathy

  20. These are lovely! I'm going to make some as gifts this year. :)

  21. AMEI o tutorial!!
    Muito bem explicado e fácil de fazer, obrigada por compartilhar!
