Monday, March 2, 2009

The Homesteading Carnival

When you think of homesteading what comes to mind? Do you picture a covered wagon, vast tracts of land, and a log cabin? Though that may be an accurate historical picture of homesteading, modern homesteading is a little different. 

Modern homesteaders may have a bit of land, or they may live in the country with a small plot of land. They may even live right next door to you in the suburbs. What the modern homesteader has in common with the historical picture that word brings to mind is the desire to do things for themselves, and to achieve some measure of self sufficiency. 

The Garden
The most common place to achieve a bit of self sufficiency is in the form of a garden. City dwellers may have container gardens on their apartment balconies. Those with a small yard space may choose the raised bed method of gardening to get a lot of vegetables for a small space. Families with a little more room will till up large plots to raise their vegetables. 

Keeping a few chickens, or larger animals provides food for the family too. 

Of course a focus on the family is not unique to the homesteading folk. We all enjoy time with our family whether it be for the family meal, or for some relaxation time. 

HowToMe presents How To Make Two Pork Loin Meals in Minutes posted at HowToMe.

Rani presents Brownies posted at Indoor Garden Musings.

jim presents Homemade Provençal Rack of Lamb posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.

Rose presents Making Fabulous Paper Flowers with Tissue Paper posted at Fine Craft Guild .com.

Stephanie presents Eating Out Cheap? posted at Make It From Scratch.

The Smarter Wallet presents 11 Ways To Save Money On Crafts and Creative DIY Projects posted at The Smarter Wallet.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Gaming For Less: Play The Best Video Games On A Budget posted at The Digerati Life.

Thank you for joining us here at Make it from Scratch for The Homesteading Carnival. Join us tomorrow for the Make it from Scratch carnival. 


  1. Thank you for hosting (and posting) this lovely carnival !!

    Grace & Peace,

  2. Can anyone be part of this or do you have to be invited? It sounds very exciting, Margaret

  3. Nice job. Thanks for being host. Abi

  4. Thank you, Stephanie :-)

  5. Question: Do you know where I can get a log roller? a device for rolling newspaper into logs?

  6. Thank you for including my post. Now I must go over and see what's going on with those toilet paper tubes... ;)

  7. Celeste,
    No I'm sorry. I'm not sure where you can get one of those. Lehman's is always the place I look for things like that, but I'm not sure if they carry it.

  8. i love these!
