Friday, March 13, 2009

Memory Match Game

This memory game was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my son, but we never quite got around to making it, so it's going to be for his birthday instead. We've found that he gets so many gifts from friends and family that we can usually forgo expensive store-bought gifts and make something for him instead.

Over the past 6 months I've seen so many variations of this memory game. From a wood version on Etsy for $48 to a homemade photo match on Homemade by Jill to a made-from-fabric-scraps cloth version (that I can't seem to find the link to), it seems that Memory is on everyones' minds!

I decided not to post a tutorial for this in order to encourage you to think outside the box and make your own version from materials you currently have on hand. Our materials happened to be wood left over from a home-improvement project and scrap book paper left over from my son's 1st Birthday photo album.

The wood we used was rather large, so this will definitely be a stay-at-home game, but the next one I'm planning will be cloth, and very portable.

The back sides obviously have all the same paper...

And the other sides have fun little animals and prints...

I used several coats of mod podge to stick the paper on and protect it, then a clear spray-enamel to seal it and make it water proof. (Yes, I've only made 5 so far, but there are 20 total.)

There are so many possibilities, so have fun making your own memory game. And please come back and post a link if you do make one. I'd love to see all of your creative ideas!

~*Kellie blogs regularly at Greenhab: The Browns Go Green*~


  1. Wow, this is the nicest set I've ever seen! I love the idea of using the wood scraps. I'll be linking to this, what a great gift!

  2. Very cute! I made one from some printouts online but glued it on cardboard - not the greatest medium for this. It warps. Recycled wood or something sturdier is much better. I think I've seen domino's recycled this way. Thanks for the creativity is starting the flow. :)

  3. Love this. I'm already thinking about how I'll make this in time for my daugther's birthday! Thanks for the inspiration.
