Wednesday, March 25, 2009

painted pots

Over the years we have collected many plant pots, buckets (all 87 of them), old mop buckets etc, always putting them to good use. With finally sorting out our garden and getting in more plants, herbs and fruit trees, we decided to paint the old pots and give them a new life. Another thing we are trying to do this year, is buying second hand plastic pots and buying terracotta ones as well.

So of we went to the start of the car boots last Sunday, oh how I love car boots, you just never know what you will find. One disappointment was, there were no plants for sale. Bit early I suppose. But what we did find is these two planters, know in the shops they are about £6 pound each, but we got these for a pound each. SUCH A BARGAIN. I just love getting things cheap and if they are seconds that can be reused, all the better. With these two as with our others they did need some tender love in care. Holes put into the bottom and a dust off. Then come my favourite part, painting.

(don't forget the chair, relaxation, so important)

(I also use B&Q range and what other ones I find cheap)

I have really enjoyed doing this, have been going a bit mad all over the garden. Well you can't say my garden isn't colourful LOL.

This paint I used here works really well and comes in the most amazing colours, their ranges are great. They have chocolate browns, deep purple to a light one, pinks and metallic, the most yummy deep red and even to gold and silver, and all water based so no harsh cleaning products. Just a quick wash under the tap and your brushes are clean. Hmm think I am going on a bit here, I do get excited when I find something new!

The end result is two new pots that look amazing and as if you just brought them. They are unique and in style with what you want and don't cost you a fortune to buy.

(this one is done in lilac B&Q)

and last but not least, a good cuppa tea, well he did supervise.