Sunday, April 26, 2009

1, 12, 16, 113

No I am not playing the lottery, but passing on some special numbers for Make it from Scratch. 

This Friday is the first of the month. Around here that means Firsts on the First. I challenge you to try something new, something that you've seen and thought, "that looks easy," or something that you always wanted to see if you could do it yourself. Try it. Post about it, and share your post with all of us this Friday by adding your link to the Mr. Linky that will be up Friday morning. Tell your readers and challenge them to try something new too. 

That is where you will find Make it from Scratch on the list of 100 Best Blogs for Living Healthy on a Budget. Thanks to the blogger at Surgical Technician Schools. 

And on the 100 Best Blogs for Healthy Home Cooked Meals, you will find Make it from Scratch at sixteen. Thanks to the blogger at Pharmacy Technician Certification. 

One Hundred Thirteen
The 113 edition of the Make it from Scratch carnival will be hosted right here this Tuesday. We hope you will join us then! 

We also are in need of hosts for the upcoming carnivals. It is fun, easy and brings traffic to you blog. Please leave a comment or send an email if you are interested in hosting an upcoming carnival. 


  1. i enjoy your blog so much and i gave it an award. check out my blog for it :)

  2. I would love to host a carnival!

    Stopping by from A Cuppy Cake Life

  3. Carolyn,
    The carnival no longer rotates. It is hosted permanently here every Thursday.
