Friday, May 22, 2009

Create a Garden Journal - Guest Post

Today's guest post comes from Karen at Chicken Sense. Karen blogs about gardening, cooking, sewing, and living in the country. Below she shares some resources to get you started on creating a garden journal. 

A great rainy day project is to begin a garden journal. A garden journal isn’t just a diary, it’s important information to help you get the most from your efforts. You won’t find a better source of growing and gardening tips for next year than the ones you write yourself this year.
Your garden journal can be as simple as a notebook, blank paper, and pencil; or free printable garden journal pages found online; or you can purchase software garden journals; or buy spiral bound garden journal books. Suite has a nice article about journals: 
Keeping a Garden Journal. Here is another one from Learn2Grow: How to Keep a Garden Journal.

Free Garden Journal Pages to Print

Garden Journal Software and Books to Purchase

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