Friday, May 1, 2009

Firsts on the First - May

Happy May to you, and welcome to the Firsts on the First. Firsts on the first is my little motivator to try new things, and to make the items that I keep saying, "I'd like to try that someday." I hope you will join in and share something new that you have tried recently. 

I just love this time of year. I love watching the plants grow, and the sudden lush green foliage that is all around. All the change and the beautiful weather is down right inspiring.

With the added motivation of studying about the Czech Republic with the kids we tried several Czech dishes in the last few weeks. They were delicious. Both dishes included making dumplings which I had never made before. We made potato and flour dumplings. Both were very good and delicious. 

The last dish that we tried was Chicken Paprikash. Heather shared this recipe with me, and it was wonderful and economical. I can see this becoming a regular item on the menu. 

Did you try something new this month? Please share with us by putting your link in Mr. Linky below. A link back to Firsts on the First would also be appreciated. 


  1. Thanks for the link! Glad you liked the Paprikash! It's one of our favorites. The leftovers are great, too... if there are any that is. We usually have about one serving left and we all vie for it the next day.

  2. I'm a little late, but I made Gluten Free noodles today. Thanks for the links!
