Monday, May 4, 2009

Homemade Miracle Whip

Find other recipes, crafts, and frugal home making tips at Jenn's Frugal Front Porch.

This is a great recipe I posted on my blog a few weeks ago I felt I HAD to share with all you here.
I love Miracle Whip even though hubby favors plain mayo. When I ran out of Miracle Whip a few weekends ago, I thought I'd try making a home made batch. The only ingredient I needed was dry mustard which is readily available at my local grocer for a semi reasonable price! I read over several recipes I found online and modified this one based on what I learned. It turned out great and tastes JUST LIKE Miracle Whip to me. This is just one more product I'll never buy again!

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbs powdered sugar
  • 1 tbs lime or lemon juice
  • 2 tbs vinegar
  • 1 1/2 c vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 tbs cornstarch
  • 1 tsp dry mustard
  • 1/2 c boiling water
  • 2 tbs vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  1. Mix the first four ingredients together with a mixer.
  2. Slowly drizzle the oil into the egg mixture making sure to mix thoroughly. Be careful not to add your oil too fast.
  3. Mix in 2 tbs of vinegar and set aside.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix cornstarch, mustard and vinegar together till combined.
  5. Add to cornstarch mixture to boiling water and cook till smooth and pudding like. It should only take a few minutes.
  6. Slowly add the hot cornstarch/mustard mixture to the egg mixture and blend well.
  7. Add paprika and garlic powder. I did this at the end but you should be able to add this anytime.
  8. Refrigerate in airtight container or clean Miracle Whip/Mayo jar.
Makes enough to fill one 11.25 oz jar.

What product would you LOVE to never buy again??????


  1. Excellent!
    I'm a real mayo gal myself. I tried making it once. It didn't turn out so well. I should probably try it again.

  2. There are so many things I would love never to buy again (salad dressings)! But unfortunately, since I am alone most of the time, I cannot eat up whole batches of fresh product before it goes bad.

    So I suffer with store bought and dream of the lovely home-made taste of fresh!

  3. I was happy to offer you a blog award on my is th link to check it out

  4. How long do you think this would keep? We don't go through too much of this at home but I would definitely rather make it than buy it. Thanks!

  5. It needs to be refrigerated but I've had mine for a little over two weeks now without any problems. I would think it'd last at least a month (probably longer) as long as it's properly refrigerated. If the odor or taste changes or if it starts to separate then I would toss it.

    I hope this helps!

    Frugally Fun

  6. Stephane:

    I've added links to your blog, as well as specifically to your Miracle Whip recipe, on my "frugal" web page:



  7. One thing I would love to never buy again is ketchup! We love Heinz ketchup, but it is a little expensive. Cheap ketchup just doesn't cut it though. I've also always wondered the difference between "catsup" and "ketchup". Is there any?

    1. Sarah, I found this one recipe on line the other day and I loved it and the kids also approved it! Next time I make the only two things I would do diferent would be a liiiitle less vinegar and 1tbsp of Nutmeg instead of 2

  8. I tried this recipe and while the consistency was good, it tasted nothing like Miracle Whip to me! Not to mention the color wasn't right either (from the paprika.) It tasted far too vinegary and not sweet enough for Miracle Whip. I'm going to have to tinker around a bit more with it.

    1. That's funny, Sarah, I just got done making it and I agree that it doesn't taste like Miracle Whip at all! But while you found it too vinegary, I thought it wasn't vinegary enough. I also found that I had to do about 2 1/2 TBSP of powdered sugar rather than just one. I also used regular mustard instead of powdered, and red wine vinegar (type of vinegar wasn't specified, so I went with a fruity one rather than distilled white). Oh, I must add about the vinegar...I just noticed that her recipe calls for it twice. I hadn't noticed that, so that's probably why mine came out not enough. I made the base mayo without it. I added more at the end, so it's all good.

    2. Sarah, that's funny cause I was thinking the same thing! I just got done making a batch of this, and it didn't taste anything like Miracle Whip! I messed up and made the base mayo without vinegar, so I added more than what she says in later, and that was good. I used red wine vinegar, cause she didn't specify what kind and I figured go for fruity rather than distilled white. Those are the only kinds I have. But I found that I had to almost triple the sugar to get the correct sweetness. I was also using regular mustard rather than powder, but I swap those out very frequently in recipes, so I know that wasn't the issue. With adding more sugar and vinegar, I've got it just about right.

  9. I am going to try this today! This recipe would be another step toward self-sufficiency for our family. Thanks! ~Julie~

  10. I have some food allergies. they say egg yolks, but they do not bother me. anything made from soybeans, or soybean oils like vegetable oils are a no no. so this home made miracle whip is great for me!!!!!!!

  11. I just finished mixing this up and it is super runny. Does it need to cool to set?

  12. I also made this and it turned out VERY runny--even after 18 hours or so of refrigeration. I don't think that it's going to set. :-/

  13. Thank you for this fabulous recipe! There was nothing runny about it - consistency was just like miracle whip from the store. I used 1 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup canola oil. Instead of paprika, I used cayenne pepper and instead of garlic powder I used finely chopped fresh garlic. Yumm!! My potato salad is perfect with this recipe.

  14. Acids (e.g. vinegar, lemon juice) will prevent cornstarch from thickening. Do not add vinegar or lemon juice until after the cornstarch has thickened.

    1. Except that's not true, Ted. I know because I just did this, and it thickened up beautifully.

  15. Do you put in raw egg yolks or hard boil an egg and put the cooked egg yolk in?

  16. Do you put raw yolk in there or do you hard boil an egg and put the yolk in it?

  17. I followed the entire recipe with the exception of substituting the egg with egg-white. The texture is slimey! :(

  18. Didn't set up at all for me. I have a jar of salad dressing that doesn't taste at all like Miracle Whip :(

  19. If your dressing did not set, you may have not whipped it enough. Mayo/salad dressing is an emulsification and the oil and other liquid must be forcably mixed. This may take up to 15 minutes by hand or up to 5 minutes with an immersion blender or wisk

  20. Hi all, I've just read about homemade mayo. I prefer Miralce Whip, so I looked at this site. On one of the homemade mayo pages, it suggests adding one teaspoon of water to the raw egg yolks, and to 'drip', 'drip', 'drip', in the oil while whisking it to froth, the oil and the yolk need to become 'one', in order to 'set', and not break (runny). adding the oil too quickly, prevents this from happening. Hope this helps. whitmew

  21. Hi all,
    I prefer Miracle Whip too, and found this site. I had just read on Frugal Front Porch website, about homemade Mayonnaise.
    I think the trick is adding One Teaspoon of Water to the RAW egg yolks.
    And then adding the Oil very slowly, as you hand whisk the mixture.
    I mean slowly, 'drip', 'drip', 'drip'.
    The oil and the yolks must come together at a cellular level, and adding the oil too quickly, prevents this and instead, you end up with runny MW.
    Hope this helps.

  22. Hello again. I apologize, the website that told the secret to making mayonnaise, was from the NYTimes.


  23. Can anyone tell me if you can use Splenda instead of sugar in this mircle whip recipe and can you use canola oil instead of veg oil

  24. the mircle whip that you buy in the store has high fructose corn syrup in it and that causes your bad cholesterol to go up and will help clog your arteries so the homemade mircle whip is much heathier for you.

  25. Why not try using Splenda blend (1/2 sugar, 1/2 Splenda)?

    I'm wondering why superfine sugar can't be used vs. powdered sugar, which contains cornstarch. Seems like a fair amount of cornstarch is being added as a stabilizer.

    Also, canola oil IS vegetable oil, or one of the types of vegetable oil. So it would be OK to use.

  26. I'm so eager to try this to avoid soy. Thanks. The other products I'll never buy again are windex and bar soap and any prepared foods.

  27. I'm about a year behind everyone, but I just did a search for home made MW recipe and landed here. I have the same concern mentioned before, being able to use it up before it goes bad. I looked over the recipe, and it would be a cinch to cut in half!

  28. I was also concerned with using it up before it spoiled, but after reviewing the recipe I see that it can easily be halved, so that's what I'll do. Thank you.

  29. i just made this recipe, but I did it by hand. (my mixer has only 1 bowl and the beaters don't go to the bottom of the bowl.) I took my time and mixed only about a tablespoon of oil in at a time and whisked like there was no tomorrow. I now have Miracle Whip and a sore arm (well worth it!). Thanks for the recipe!
