Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Carnival #123

This morning the carnival is at Kitchen Stewardship. There are some truly beautiful things included in this week's carnival. Some of them are edible, and some are not. Be sure to see them all at Kitchen Stewardship, but here are a few of my favorites from this week's carnival.

Just had to included this one for my husband. We raise our own pork, and he really wants to build a smoker to cure our bacon and hams. Here is a recipe for you honey! ;)

Her "secret" ingredient is growing like crazy in my garden. I made something fabulous with them last night. I'll be sharing that recipe here on Thursday, but I could always use more ideas.

I simply adore cheesecake, and the graham cracker crust it is most often served on. Katie offers a an alternative that sounds delicious, and is healthier. I'll be trying this with my next cheesecake.

Enjoy the carnival this week!

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