Friday, July 24, 2009

Guest Post - How to make a hot plate

Kimahn from Oh!! I like that!! shares a tutorial with us today on how to make your own hot plate. Kimahn's blog is full of pretty useful thing. Be sure to stop by.

So I had this idea to make flat marbles into a hot plate.. But Mark (my beloved) said that he thought someone had already done that! I dared not look!! So to me, this is as original as can be :P

Here we go..


  • A base for your hot plate. I used a rectangular piece of wood. (I would have used a circular shape if I had one.)
  • Paper and Pens. I decided to draw my own designs. You can of course use paper with a pattern on it ready for you to cut.
  • A circle hole punch the size of the flat base of the marbles. Or scissors will do the job.
  • Glue. Use a silicon based glue, as this is great for using on glass.
  • Flat Glass Marble. I used 48. (I also unintentionally ordered clear glass marbles that have an iridescent look to them. This wasn't my plan, but it kind of looks good anyway - so just make sure you get what you want)
1. Prepare the Paper Circles...

If you decide to draw your designs, make sure you make a few extra for mistakes you might make.

I decided to do a Paris love theme.. about a year ago, my husband proposed to me in Paris on the Arch de Triumph.. oh sweet memories!

2. Glue the paper circles to the marbles...

I experimented with a few different ways for the gluing process, and found it was easier to put a dab of glue on the paper and press the marble down on top. This way you can see where the glue is spreading and push the glue where it needs to go.

3. Prepare the Base...

You don't have to paint the base, but I thought a red would compliment the red highlights I made in my images.

Once the paint has dried, simply glue the marbles in place!!




(obviously hadn't put the marbles on yet!)

This was made using small wooden buttons. I actually really like this one! And over time you might get nice brown burn marks on the tops of the buttons for a loving used effect.

So there we have it! Try it yourself. It's a great craft to do with a friend, and one that you will be able to use most days!


  1. This is a wonderful idea! Thanks so much. Now, do you know if the marbles can really withstand a pot fresh off the stovetop?

  2. That is way cool! I've never seen anything like it! I'll be linking.

  3. Hi there (Posey Lynn Poole),

    this is Kimanh, maker of this nifty DIY post.

    Stephanie forwarded your question to me, so I thought I would do an experiment to make sure that this craft is totally practical!

    My not so crafty, but nerdy husband of mine, thought it would be a good idea to put the hot plate in the freezer to get the glass marbles really cold, and heat of a cast iron dish in the over till it was pipping hot!

    After both items had reached their extreme temperatures, we placed the dish onto the hot plate.. and to our relief nothing happened!

    So, in real life you won't be freezing your marbles ;) so it should be fine! If in doubt, do a little test on the marbles you are planning to use!

    Hope that helps!


  4. That is a very cute idea and i have a whole coffee can of those marbles i didn't know what to do with!

  5. Does anyone recognize the brand of circle punch in the picture? I've been searching for just the right one to fit flat glass marbles like these.

  6. Hi Ecronen,

    Kimanh here..

    I was fortunate enough to find that hole puncher in a discount box at my local craft shop (in the UK)..

    I've thrown out the packaging, but the punch does have "Woodware Craft Collection" on it. And the diameter of the circle that it punches is .47inches.

    Hope that helps!!!

  7. Great idea, I´ll try it asap, I was thinking, that we can do like a collage also... so many variations.
    Thank you for the idea.
