Monday, August 3, 2009

Easy Egg Drop Soup

Egg Noodle Egg Drop Soup

It's really not that difficult to make authentic Chinese Egg Drop Soup but I wanted some substance with it since it was a stand alone soup! I did some online research and found the same basic recipe but many methods to make it. The overwhelming problem with Egg Drop Soup was getting the egg to form silky ribbons instead of turning into a rubbery disaster. All the different sites kept repeating the key is constant stirring while slowly drizzling the egg into the soup. With a little ingenuity I resolved this problem so you can make Egg Drop Soup almost as easy as boiling water.


3 cups chicken stock

1/2 tbs salt

1 tbs freeze dried chives

1/2 cup uncooked egg noodles

1 tbs cornstarch

2 tbs cold water

1 egg + 2 tsp cold water


Bring top 3 ingredients to full boil on Med High heat. Toss in noodles and cook till al dente. While noodles are cooking: mix cornstarch and 2 tbs water in a separate bowl. Crack the egg plus 1 tsp cold water into a ziploc sandwich bag-seal-gently massage egg till beaten and set aside. (The goal is to avoid lots of air bubbles but to have the egg beaten well). Add cornstarch mixture when noodles are almost done and cook 2 additional minutes. Remove pot from heat, snip small tip off the corner of you beaten egg bag. Get ready to drizzle egg with one hand while constantly stirring with the other. (This part takes some finesse so you'll want to make sure you have the bag comfortably in one hand but still be able to control how you pour. That's why there's no photo of that step!) This method cooks the egg without over-cooking it resulting in light and tasty soup! Recipe makes enough for two lunch sized servings.

Ingredients Egg MixtureSnip Corner

Read Jenn's other recipes and craft projects at Frugal Front Porch.

1 comment:

  1. I love your site.

    We love using bags to fill stuff. We put our manicoti mix in a bag, cut the corner, and then push out the mix into each noodle.

    We also do it to make our deviled eggs (got it out of Taste of Homes magazine.)

    Never thought about doing it for Egg Drop soup tho. Great idea!
