Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fried Okra

This year we tried several new plants in the vegetable garden. One of which you can see blooming here. I've been extremely please with our okra plants. The plants have been incredibly easy to grow. They have not needed any special attention. They have not been under attack by any pests. Their blooms, though a bit hidden, are beautiful. But most importantly, in a vegetable garden, they are producing a good amount of delicious vegetables.

We have used okra in stir fry's and stews, but our favorite way to eat okra is fried. Below is a quickie recipe that I came up with on the fly.

Fried Okra

See Fried Okra on Key Ingredient.

Okra has earned a spot in my garden. It will be there again next year in larger quantities. For an excellent article about okra see Okra: One of the Worlds Most Misunderstood Vegetables over at Food Blogga.

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