Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rich. Moist. Chocolaty. Zucchini?!?!

Yesterday was a long day. At the end of it I enjoyed some much needed peace and quiet while doing the dishes. The kids were occupied in quiet activities. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed that it was dark outside.

Dark? I panicked a little. How did the day slip away from me. The kids should be in bed. I looked at the clock and it was only 8:30. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was battling to put the kids in bed at 9:30 because it was still light outside? Where did the summer go?

The first of September is next Tuesday, and here at Make it from Scratch the first of the month is a time for everyone to share new things they have made from scratch. We call it Firsts on the Firsts. I love Firsts on the First because it challenges me to try new things, and move things from my "someday" list to my "done" list.

Summer is normally a time when I try a lot of new things. There is an abundance of produce to work with, and we need new ways to prepare it. This summer should be called the Summer of the Zucchini. Even with losing most of my plants to the dreaded vine borer, we have had an abundance of zucchini. We've made many old favorites, and tried many new ways to prepare it this summer. The latest of which is Zucchini Brownies.

Zucchini Brownies

Moist and chocolaty cake like brownies with zucchini.

See Zucchini Brownies on Key Ingredient.

These were quite delicious, and probably the most moist made from scratch brownie I've ever made. They weren't quite as dense and fudge like as I might like, but they are still extremely good.

I did not peel the zucchini before shredding, and only slight hints of green could be seen in the brownies after baking. If your family is highly picky and would balk at the green in the brownies, simply peel before shredding.

Yet another new zucchini recipe that has found a place in my stash. I love trying new things. Especially when they turn out as well as this! I hope you join us on Tuesday to share something new you have tried recently.


  1. Thank you for this! Just picked up yet another load of the green ones in my CSA order yesterday.

  2. Ooh, I've had Zuchinni chocolate cake before and it was TO DIE FOR. I can imagine these are the same! Thanks for sharing- I'm bookmarking :-) xx

  3. Ha! I *just* made zucchini chocolate bread, and I had never heard of zucchini & chocolate together before that.

    Those look delish!

  4. Hi from SITS!

    Zucchini chocolate cake...not something I have ever thought about but looks amazing and I really want to try it now...

  5. I made these and ended up adding one egg to the batter because it was very crumbly. They came out great. Just wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I've never seen a brownie recipe with no eggs before...

  6. movinginspirals
    The batter does seem very dry. The moisture comes from the zucchini. The first time I made this my daughter was helping and stirred and stirred and the batter ended up looking pretty much like any other brownie. When I made it the second time I didn't stir as much, and the batter still looked crumbly, but the brownies were just as moist in the end.

  7. Oh my goodness Stephanie - these look delicious! What a perfectly fantastic way to use up those mountains of zucchini we all have this time of year!
