Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Carnival #146

Thank you to Jenn for hosting this week's edition of the Make it from Scratch carnival. She has put together a feast for the eyes. It is full of fabulous pictures of all your made from scratch projects. Here are a few that I found particularly appealing.

Button Wreath Ornament
This is so cute, and easy (a high priority to me when it comes to crafts.) Will definelty have this one in mind for next year's Christmas ornament making.

Cupcake Tree Ornaments
Again, super adorable, and pretty easy, they are on the list too.

Crocheted Kitchen Gift Set
I know. Three craft picks from me, it is unheard of. This one is well beyond my skill set, but it is such a lovely set that I just had to included this week.

Hope you enjoy the carnival. Check out the All things Eco Carnival too.


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