Friday, December 18, 2009

Projects on Deck...

Kellie is a tree-hugging mom, wife and crafter with too much to do and too little time. She blogs regularly at Greenhab and the Green Phone Booth.

Since I've had zero time to do many crafty things this week, I thought I would share some of the things on my to-do list instead.

I could use about a hundred of these scrap buckets from Sew I Do in my sewing room. I can just picture them all lined up on a shelf and making me instantly organized.

This blogger is adorable and makes such cute and fashionable clothing and accessories, as well as dolls, wallets and more. You'll get lost in her blog, so be sure to visit it AFTER you read the rest of this post. :@)

(Photo courtesy of Sew I Do.)

Today I made chocolate covered banana pops for my son's preschool holiday program. (You can find the directions here.) Over the weekend I'll be making some Peppermint Bark, which I hear is just as easy. I've been craving it for weeks. Hopefully I can practice some restraint and actually save some to give to Fletcher's teachers on Monday.

I absolutely, positively must find time to make one of these water bottle carriers (a masculine version though) for my mom's beau for Christmas. We gave him a reusable canteen for his birthday and thought he could use a carrier for it since he likes to take a walk each day.

The tutorial (and photo) is from Pink Chalk Studio. I can't wait to make one of these for myself as well...when Christmas is over, that is.

I was also hoping to find time to make a few of these cute little flower pins to use as stocking stuffers. I have so many cute fabric scraps I could use up on these. The tutorial is over on Design*Sponge.

And that's it for my "Things I really need to get done before Christmas" list. My "Things I'd love to find the time to do" list is much longer. If I could only remember to buy a lottery ticket...

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