Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blackened Pork Chops

Blackened meat is one of my favorites. I love the spiciness of meat prepared in this manner. I love how the meat stays so juicy and tender after being cooked hot and fast in a cast iron skillet. I love that blackening meat really is a simple cooking skill that produces impressive results.

To blacken meat you simply rub a mixture of spices on the meat, and then cook it in a hot skillet. The technique works well with about any meat, but is especially good for chicken or pork. The spice mixture is very flexible and can be varied according to what you have on hand, and the spiciness can easily be adjusted to suit your family's taste.

One warning. Cooking with this method will produce smoke in your kitchen. This smoke may cause one of your children to accuse you of ruining dinner, and to inform the rest of the family that dinner is burned. Said hypothetical child will also ask for seconds and thirds of this ruined dinner. Not that this has ever happened in my house. (ahem)

Blackened Pork Chops

A great recipe to spice up the family dinner.

See Blackened Pork Chops on Key Ingredient.

Stephanie is a homeschooling, homesteading momma of four, attempting to live a frugal and simple life in the hills of West Virginia. She also blogs at Stop the Ride and Adventures in the 100 Acre Woods.

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