Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Carnival #154

Is it snowing where you are? Is there more on the way?

Here, in West Virginia, it has been an unusually cold and snowy winter. I am not a big fan of winter, but when it is here, you've got to make the best of it. It is time to set a fire in the fireplace, and grab a hot cup of something to drink.

Winter is also the perfect time to try new projects. In this week's Make it from Scratch Carnival you will find lots of great recipes and ideas that will help to pass the time these cold winter months.

Keep Warm and Toasty in the Kitchen

Kristia presents Chicken, Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas posted at Family Balance Sheet.

SimplyForties presents No Cheese, Vegetable Quiche posted at SimplyForties.

June Tree presents Gourmet Coffee Recipes: Make Your Own Starbucks Coffee Drink posted at The Digerati Life.

OCMomActivities - Katie presents Cost Saving Make at Home Specialty Coffee Recipes posted at OC Mom's Activity Guide.

Abi presents Brownie Butterscotch Explosion posted at lighter side.

Liss presents I can't believe it's this easy to make dog biscuits! posted at Frills in the Hills.

Bobbie Whitehead presents Cabbage and Apples posted at The Backyard Grower.

Make it from Scratch presents Crowd Pleasin Chili posted at Make It From Scratch.

Let the Creativity Flow

Becca presents The Making of a Regency styled apron posted at BrightHaven Days.

RecycleCindy presents Plastic Ditty Bag posted at My Recycled Bags.com.

Beth Terry presents When is Wool Yarn not 100% Wool? posted at Fake Plastic Fish.

Cyndi L presents Snow painting posted at Mixed Media Artist.

Jenny Stowe presents Top 40 Scrapbooking Blogs to Remember posted at Masters In Healthcare.

Wise_Bread presents 10 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get it Right This Valentine's Day and Beyond posted at Wisebread.

Money Saving Projects Big and Small

Darcy presents Dinghy Build posted at Of Winds and Water.

Lindsay presents How to Build a Composting Toilet posted at Off the Urban Grid.

Condo Blues presents Keep in the Heat: Insulate Outlets and Switches posted at Condo Blues.

TSW presents Paying for College: How To Pay For School On Your Own posted at The Smarter Wallet.

Eugene Smith presents How To Make Natural Homemade Soap posted at How to Make You Own Soap.

Bruno Vigneault presents The New Alternative Energy - How To Make Free Electricity With A Magnetic Energy Generator posted at How to make free electricity at home.

Thank you for joining us for the Make it from Scratch Carnival. Next week the carnival will be at 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven. Please join us by submitting your posts via Blog Carnival. Enjoy the snow if you have it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for including me in the carnival. Now I better get to reading some of these great posts!
