Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spanish Hot Chocolate

 Whilst we're over here sweltering in Australia I'm seeing reports on the news saying how y'all are covered in snow!  So there's no point me giving you my latest icecream recipe is there? (let me know and I'll share one next time, promise!)

What I thought I'd share with you is the recipe for Spanish Hot Chocolate.  Something to warm the cockles, and I swear to you, you will never drink hot cocoa or a store-bought hot chocolate again after having one of these.

I came accross the Spanish Hot chocolate in its' homeland when I spent one January backpacking through Spain on planes, trains, automobiles and ferries.  You can buy them at most bars and eateries.

Makes 2 cups (because you may want to share, or you may not be able to stop at one....)

475ml full cream milk
115gr milk chocolate
1 tsp. cornstarch (cornflour)

Pour milk and cornstarch (cornflour) into a saucepan, turn up the heat and begin to scald, (i.e. making it bubble at the edges of the saucepan) whilst using a metal whisk to ensure there's no lumps.

When it just begins to boil, it should begin to thicken, turn down the heat at this point to low-medium and add your chocolate.  Keep whisking until chocolate melts and it will resemble a bit of a thinnish custard.  Taste and add sugar if you wish to taste, dissolve sugar, then pour into coffee/tea mug.

Try it!  Perfect accompaniment would be Easter Shrewsbury biscuits!

So lovely Make it from Scratch Readers: What's your favourite accompaniment to a hot chocolate/cocoa or coffee?  A cookie?  Chocolate?  A special, cake or muffin?

You can find more step-by-step cooking from scratch posts and much more at my blog, Frills in the Hills - the fabulous life of our family of five - the fun, the food and the frugality.


  1. I always thought Spanish hot chocolate had some cayenne, paprika, or other peppery spice added. Not sure why I thought that but I did. This looks really yummy. I love donuts with my hot chocolate...warm yummy glazed donuts. mmmmm! Hot chocolate & donuts.

    I made donuts earlier today so I'm off to make some hot cocoa! ;D

  2. It sounds really good. I am not much of a hot chocolate drinker. Actually I don't drink many warm drinks at all. May have to try this for my son-in-law.
