Friday, April 16, 2010

To-Do List...

Kellie blogs regularly at Greenhab and the Green Phone Booth.

What a whirlwind the last two weeks have been - activities and birthdays and running from here to there. I've sewn tooth fairy pillows for our first lost tooth and birthday party favor bags for Macy's 6th birthday party. It's been lots of fun, but hasn't left me much time to create anything new. Oh - and did I mention that I got a food mill for my birthday (which isn't actually until June)? So I may have spent some time making and canning jam this week when I could have been sewing.

So instead of a tutorial today, I thought I'd share with you some of the things on my to-do list. These are a few projects I can't wait to work on once life settles down.

First up is this water bottle sling from Betz White on Petite Purls. I love pretty much everything that Betz White does! 

In the summer time, like anyone else, we spend a lot of time outside, at the park, the zoo, hiking, etc. and, quite frankly, carrying water bottles for every kid gets old - and heavy. This summer each of my kids will be getting one of these slings so that they can be responsible for their own water.

I'll also be employing the puzzle solution I found on Sutton Grace last week. Our puzzle area looks much like hers. The boxes seem to get broken so easily and pieces end up everywhere. This idea is so cute!

Sonia at Cozy Homemaking has also inspired me to make some new coasters for our dining room table. I think it's finally spring here, so I'm feeling the need to redecorate a bit. I have more sets of coasters than anyone could possibly need but that doesn't seem to matter when I see the adorable "Tea Time" coasters she made.

What projects are you working on? Anything I need to add to my list?


  1. Love the water bottle sling. We've been saving old jeans and need a project for them.

  2. I just love coming to your site. It's always has something on it that inspires me to do something new!
