Friday, June 4, 2010

Homemade Laundry Soap / Detergent / Soda

So I finally caved and made my own laundry detergent and all I have to say is OH MY GOODNESS WHY HAVE I NOT MADE THIS SOONER???

I was so excited to post about my experience but then I realized that I was most likely way behind in this trend and sure enough, Kellie posted about making not only her own laundry detergent but a multitude of other cleaning products (which thankfully, I'm already doing). So I hope that it's alright if I do a repeat...because seriously, I'm pretty excited about this!!

And um, I'm having surgery today. So, yeah. *runs away*

Anyway. Finding a recipe proved to be painless and quite simple. There are of course many variations - liquid or powder, scented or unscented, the different types of washing sodas, bar soaps and other ingredients; I went with something that sounded quite simple:

1 bar soap (I used a simple bar of Ivory but there are many alternatives)
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup washing soda

Finely grate the bar of soap and stir well to combine with borax and washing soda. Store in an airtight container - use 1 to 2 tablespoons per load. You can also add a few drops of essential oil for a light scent; I used lavender.

See? Totally easy.

My husband was extremely dubious about this whole adventure. He actually got a bit angry and started ranting about how he already has to deal without paper towels and hardly ever any processed foods and the environment this and exposing our skin to chemicals that and gol ding it, he said, I want my clothes to smell all perfumey!

I explained that I had added some essential oil to my mix and that I had only made a small batch - if he didn't like how the clothes/sheets/towels came out using the homemade detergent, we'd go back to using Nellie's and there wouldn't be any harm done.

Turns out, it exceeded my husband's expectations and I am loving it. I love the way the clothes feel and smell! If you haven't tried making your own detergent give it a try!!!

I usually blog at Gotta Little Space and Suitable For Consumption, come say hi!


  1. Sounds so easy, and if your husband approved, ok!

  2. too funny. Glad he is on board with you now. :)

  3. I've been making our laundry detergent for a year or so, and I'm with you: why didn't I start sooner? It's easy to do, and I estimate that it saves us about $10/month.

    I've been using Yardley bar soaps when they go on sale. My family likes the lemon verbena scent.

  4. I'm on my second batch of laundry soap, one batch last 6 months! Thanks to sales this batch only cost 60cents...there's just no way to beat that.

  5. My husband is the same way - he has this idea that a scent "Makes the clothes smell clean" so I use Zote for the bar soap. It has a "clean laundry" smell to it ;)

  6. I make my own but use a liquid recipe. I LOVE it and it's so cheap!

  7. I love making my own laundry detergent!! I use a recipe that is similar to this one, only thing I boil down the soaps and add water so it's more of a liquid. But I love it!!!

  8. MV - As far as I can tell, washing soda like baking soda, but it is more or less industrial grade. It can be hard to find. I live in Oklahoma City, and I can find it on the laundry detergent aisle with the borax at my local Homeland.

    The recipe I use calls for 1 4lb box borax, 1 4lb box baking soda, 1 4lb box washing soda, and 3 bars of laundry soap finely grated. Just mix it all together and use 1 to 2 Tbsps per load. You can also mix it with hot water to make it liquid if you have a HE or front loading washer.

  9. I also use white vinegar instead of fabric softener. I just add 1/2 cup to the rinse cycle.

  10. MV, Washing Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate. It is different than baking soda. Kroger here carries it in the laundry aisle. When I first started making detergent I had a hard time finding it. Sodium Bicarbonate can also be found in the pool supplies labeled as Ph increaser.

  11. hubby reacted pretty much the same way! This is why I cave on the fabric softener sheets! I put vinegar in my rinse cycle anyway but our store carries the cheap box of dryer sheets that basically perfume you clothes for $1. It's still cheaper than buying it.

    Now if I can only convince him 2 TABLESPOONS is plenty of detergent when he does a load!?!

  12. Sorry for the late response, I'm just getting back to 'real life' after my surgery, today. Washing soda...well, I buy the Arm & Hammer stuff ( Amazon's price is REALLY high though so I'd try to find some in your local stores.

  13. Jennifer- family dollar has these little square cases with red tops (6 for $1)that work perfect for portioning out the soap. Just put the right amount of powder in the container and label it laundry soap. All he has to do it dump what's in the case into the machine and walk away! When you go through them all, just refill and repeat.

    MV- you can order the washing soda from the Arm and Hammer site too or call the number to find out where it's sold.

  14. I've been meaning to make this too. I don't know why but it sounds very intimidating to me. Making soap!! Lol. This does encourage me a bit though; that it's easy and you wish you'd started making it sooner. Maybe I'll give it a try this summer as I try to renovate my life into something a little more environmentally-responsible.

  15. Btw, that's really funny about all your husbands needing the laundry to smell perfumey. Lol. I guess that's one thing I miss out on my not being married yet. ;)

    It's really interesting though, since to me perfumey smell usually indicates that something is NOT clean and fresh. Lol.

  16. I love how your husband went on a rant about no paper towels and all this other organic, non-toxic chemical thing

    BF was luckily on board with me about most things, but sometimes when I REALLY need a paper towel, I get frustrated.. LOL

  17. I use to make my own but my washer got soap scum so I stopped and it went away...I use cold water when I wash..Has anyone had this problem???? Thanks, Heidi

  18. I haven't had that problem and I wash mostly in cold. Though different people seem to have different issues sometimes, I'm guessing depending on your water. Try using some vinegar in the rinse (like you would fabric softener)

  19. Thanks for replying, I'll try that...

  20. I just made some this weekend and am really impressed with it and not only how it washes but the quantity it makes and how concentrated you can use it. It's not so perfume-y but I actually really like that. I made mine to an Austrian recipe that doesn't use borax, (because it's not available "over the counter" in the EU).
