Monday, July 19, 2010

Saucy Ginger Orange Turkey Tenders

I found a turkey breast on sale at the grocery store for a heck of a deal last month. Feeding the four fellas can easily break the bank so I look for deals EVERYWHERE on a variety of products. I don’t normally make turkey since I often associate it with the holidays. Since it’s not the “right season” for turkey I was in the mood for something light and tasty. After some pondering I came up with a great way to prepare the turkey completely different from my traditional basting/baking method.

First I carefully removed the turkey breast from the breast bone. This left me with two large breasts. I put one in the fridge and the other was sliced into turkey tenders.

In a separate bowl I poured a cup of orange juice (I had a little left in the fridge) and mixed in a squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of ground ginger and a palm full of garlic powder. I allow the turkey tenders to marinate in the orange saucy goodness for at least 30 minutes.

Over medium heat, pour about a tablespoon of EVOO into a sauté pan and pan fry the turkey tenders a few minutes on each side. Reduce the heat to medium low. Pour the gingered OJ into the pan with all the turkey tenders and allow the sauce to reduce while ensuring the turkey tenders are cooked through.

When the sauce is thick and bubbly, remove from heat and allow to cool for about 5 minutes. Serve and enjoy! The kiddos loved it and half a turkey breast fed the five of us!!! Not a bad deal!

Saucy Orange Ginger Turkey Tenders

frugal front porchJenn is a stay at home southern mom raising her kids in Northwestern Minnesota with her trucker hubby. She loves to cook, craft and blog. Soon she’ll be going back to school for a new adventure in Graphic Design. You can find recipes, crafts, parenting strategies, budget tips, product reviews and fabulous giveaways on her blog, Frugal Front Porch.

1 comment:

  1. I like to go turkey and also like to eat the recipes and tasty dishes of them. The recipe you have shared over here is really yummy and also tasty that is why I am going to try it and I am sure that everyone will love it.
    turkey holidays
