Thursday, August 5, 2010

Carnival #179 - Banana "Ice Cream"

Welcome to the carnival! The Make it from Scratch carnival is your chance to share your projects. I hope you join us by linking up at the bottom of this post.

A few weeks ago I found myself with an excess of bananas. Normally if I have too many bananas I will freeze a few to use for baking at a later date. The trouble this time is I already had quite a few frozen for baking, andI had a lot of bananas that need to be used. Luckily, my sister-in-law had a wonderful idea.

She told me that you could make an ice cream like treat from frozen bananas. I'm always up for ice cream. So she peeled a couple dozen bananas, stuck them in a freezer bag, and put them in the freezer.

Awhile later I pulled them out, broke them into pieces, and let the food processor do all the work. I did add a little bit of milk because the bananas were so thick my food processor was having a hard time mixing it.

The result? Creamy, cold, and delicious. And any leftovers keep well in a container in the freezer. For some ideas for variations of this simple and delicious dessert, check out the comments section in Step-by-Step Instructions for One Ingredient Ice Cream.

Carnival Guidelines:

Link up your recipes, crafts, garden projects, yarn creations, home improvement, or other d-i-y posts. Posts about making something, or helpful resources and tips for making things are what we are all about.

Please link directly to the post, not to home page of your blog. Kindly link back to the carnival with twitter, stumble and/or from your blog.


  1. Wow, that looks amazing! I am going to show this to my 10 year old; he would love to make this. Thanks!

  2. What a frugal treat! I am always worrying about what to do with extra bananas. My kids will be thrilled if I turn them into a frozen dessert.

  3. I have always wanted to try this! It looks better than I imagined it. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. My boys and I love this as a snack! I add some milk, cocoa powder, a little bit of honey and vanilla...delicious!

  5. I just came over from Mommie Cooks because I am crazy about bananas and saw this recipe title on her sidebar! Looks amazing and so simple. Definitely bookmarking this one.

    I love your site. I'm getting ready to post some popsicles that I made. I'll have to link up to your event !!

  6. I can't wait to try some of these recipes!

    Your blog is wonderful.


  7. Amazing! Three steps and its ready to be serve.
    I can't wait to make ice cream, its really easy.
    Thanks for the idea.
