Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hard Choices

I love Make it from Scratch. I love the carnival. I love the variety of contributors here, and of course all you readers that have support us.

But I don't think MIFS is all that it could be. I have spread myself too thin, and been unable to give this blog the attention I would like to. That can be said about many areas of my life right now. The tragic events of this summer have forced changes and choices. We, as a family, and I, personally need to pull in, downsize, and regroup. The choices and processes have not been easy, but they are necessary.

One of the hard choices is this blog. The time has come to set it aside, indefinitely. My attention and time need to be focused elsewhere right now.

So, this is goodbye to Make it from Scratch. I plan to continue my personal blog, Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood, and will probably incorporate more recipes and the like there than I have been in recent years. A big thank you goes to our contributors, past and present. I hope you continue to visit them at their personal blogs. Thanks Jenn at 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven, Mary at Simply Forties, Rina at Gotta Little Space, Jenn at Frugal Front Porch, and Liss at Frill in the Hills. Thanks also go to former contributors, Kellie, and Heather.

Thanks too to our readers and everyone who has participated in the carnival. Sharing ideas, recipes, and projects is what this blog is all about, and it never could have been with out the contributors and participants to this site and carnival. I wish you continued success in combining frugality and creativity.


  1. Please take care of you and yours. Your time here was appreciated.

  2. You'll be missed. Take care of what needs the most attention. Hope you leave the blog up so we can still browse :)

  3. Thank you for the time & energy you gave this over the years! I look forward to continuing to follow your family adventures over at 100 Acre Wood!

  4. A wise choice. God Bless you on your journey!

  5. Family comes first! I'm sad to see MIFS go but I completely understand why you're doing it. Good luck with everything and maybe one day you can bring it back! ;D

  6. Thank you for keeping the Make It From Scratch going and allowing us to share and learn so much from each other, Stephanie. I understand all about prioritizing and timing and will still keep up with you at the 100Acre Wood site and Tim's site. THANK you for putting so much of yourself into the has been so great :)

  7. good morning.

    Surprise awaits you on my blog

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you Stephanie. I know the road looks long and mostly uphill right now and I am sending you positive energy of strength to keep going up it. All the best.

  9. Its been a long, fabulous ride. I'm sad to see MIFS go but completely understand the reasons behind it. Prayers for you and your family and will definitely keep up with you and yours on your personal blog. :)

  10. It is a wise person who knows how to make good decisions. Although, I will miss you and the blog, I am happy, you could take a step back and do what is right for you and those you love.

  11. Stephanie -- You and I have been blog friends even before MIFS so I am very sad to see you close this down but do understand that family and our lives away from the computer are the most important matters. This has been a wonderful blog and the carnivals each week have been awesome to read and to participate in. Best wishes and prayers for you and your family as you move along in your journey.

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  16. Stephanie,

    I will really really REALLY miss your posts. You are a bright spot in this big blog world for me. I totally understand but you will be missed! Hugs girl from a fellow foodie.

  17. A HUGE thank you for the contributions you made (seen and unseen) and for the sharing that you encouraged. Of course we all understand the need to prioritize and commend you for having the guts to do it. Best of luck! :)

  18. Big hug to you (()) This blog has been such an inspiration to me and I've learned so much by reading the posts here. I'll continue to reference it often and there's so much good information here. I wish you well and appreciate all you have done :)

  19. I know the road seems long and mostly uphill on the right, and now you send the power of positive energy to move forward on it. All the best.
