Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Carnival #109

This week the Make it from Scratch carnival can be found at Christ's Bridge. Thank you to Rani for hosting. We all appreciate the time and effort put in to assembling the carnival for all of us! Some of my favorites this week: 

I make a Double Ginger Cookie at Christmas, but the addition of the orange sounds wonderful. I think I will be doing some ginger cookie experiments. I'm sure my family will be very disappointed to be the taste testers! 

Although I'm not sure I would want this particular coffee table for my living room, I love the ingenuity and resourcefulness that produced this table. I love projects like these!

Another fantastic and practical project from RecycleCindy. 

Another carnival of interest this week, The Homesteading Carnival

Don't forget to join us for Firsts on the First tomorrow. Share any project that you have tried for the first time. 

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