Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Firsts on the First - Ham and Potatoes Au Gratin

Welcome to the April edition of Firsts on the First. Every first of the month I share something new I've tried to make or do in the last month. It is my motivation to keep trying new things, and move items from the "someday" list to the "done" list. This month I made Ham and Potatoes Au Gratin from scratch for the first time. 

No foolin' I've never made scalloped or au gratin potatoes from scratch. My family likes them well enough, but we've only had them from a box. It is time to change that. 

And like so many other things I've tried to make from scratch for the first time, it really was very simple. First slice up a bunch of potatoes, an onion, and some ham. Then mix them together in a casserole dish. 

Next, make a creamy cheese sauce and pour it over everything else. Mix it together and bake. 

Finally enjoy the creamy goodness while listening to rave reviews from your family. 

If you would like a more specific recipe, Ham and Potatoes Au Gratin is the one that I used as a guide while making this. 

Did you try something new? Share it with us by leaving the link to your post in the Mr. Linky below. 


  1. that looks yummy! I need to write that recipe down and try it. However, last time I tried to make scalloped potatoes, I cut off a chunk of my thumb and had to go to the hospital. That was 4 years ago and since then, they've always been out of a box, lol.

  2. Well I can see how you'd have an aversion to trying them again! :)

  3. Awesome Stephanie! I've never made the potatoes from scratch either, but it is on the top of my "things to try making" list!! I will definitely give this a go!

  4. Yum I LOVE scallopped potatoes.

    I submitted my Pita Bread post...never made pita before but seriously, SO EASY. We'll never buy it again.

  5. Hi Stephanie! So I'm there any way you'd like Firsts on the First to be promoted? Or do we just submit our linky? I think it's a great idea and love that you've started it!!
