Monday, March 16, 2009


I would like to take just a moment to thank Heather and Kellie for the absolutely fabulous job they do here at Make it from Scratch. (And at their own blogs too. Check them out if you haven't already.) Make it from Scratch would not be the same with out them! Thank you ladies! 

I have some exciting news. There are two more contributors lined up to add to the mix here at Make it from Scratch. Fiona is the creator of many beautiful things. She will be posting on Wednesdays, starting this week with an introduction. Angie gives new meaning to cooking from scratch. She is extremely knowledgeable about the health benefits of cooking from scratch, and will start sharing with us in the next few weeks. I'm so excited for both of them to join us here! 

In other news, Blogrolling is finally back online. Many of you were waiting to be added to the blogroll. I think I have everyone added. If you think you should be on the blogroll, could you take a moment to check the list? Everyone who is on the blogroll is also on the feed list in the sidebar. (It will not show the entire list though.) If you see any problems with the blogroll, please email me at makeitfromscratch at 

If you'd like to be added to the blogroll (and the feed list,) it is very simple. See the directions at Join the Blogroll,  grab a button to put on your site, and let me know so I can add you to the lists. Easy!

Thank you for being a reader of Make it from Scratch! We appreciate you and your support! 

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