Saturday, April 4, 2009

Beaded Eggs

Usually, we do the standard colored, hard-boiled eggs for Easter. I have, on occasion, blown out the insides of eggs and painted them. This year, I was inspired by a segment I saw on Martha Stewart in which they coated blown-out eggs with glue and glittered them. They were fabulous!

My only problem with this is that I am practically out of glitter after Christmas. I did manage to get to the store, but I stayed away from the glitter since I knew I had some seed beads left from a fall project in my craft supplies. I just knew they would work! The bonus is that I saved the money I would have spent on new glitter, saved quite a glittery mess (since the kids were helping) and I used something I already had on hand. Woo hoo!
More bonuses: Using a syringe, you can save the egg whites and yolks to make scrambled eggs or for baking; these eggs can be kept for YEARS!

Pin or other tool (I used my tiny screwdriver set)
Syringe or aspirator (optional)
White Glue
Seed beads or glitter
Step 1: Using your pin or tool, poke a small hole in the top of your egg. Poke a slightly larger hole in the bottom of the egg. Poke inside the bottom hole to break the yolk. This helps it to come out easier.

Step 2: If you don't have a syringe (I used a large one from an ink cartridge refill kit), place your mouth over the top hole and blow into it. The insides should start coming out of the bottom. If not, you may need to make the bottom hole larger. Rinse your egg and allow to dry on a towel.

Step 3: Coat your egg with white glue (I used tacky glue) and then coat with beads. I found that it is better to work in small sections- about 1/3 of the egg- and let each section dry a bit before continuing. You will also want to push the beads closer together and push them into the glue for better coverage.

Matthew wanted to make an Ohio State "O" on one egg, so we (meaning I) painted the glue in an "O" shape and put on the red beads. We let it dry about 15 minutes before continuing with the white beads. It is now my favorite egg we made that day.

Heather is a wife, mom,
school cafeteria worker,
councilwoman and babysitter from Ohio.
She also blogs at
Heather LessiterIts All for the Best
The Fat Bottomed Girl.


  1. Those are fabulous! Love the Ohio State one too!

  2. those are neat and different, well done.

    Gill in Canada

  3. What a great project, I love the customization! I'll be linking.

  4. Those are simply beautiful. What a lovely touch for Easter eggs this year for you and the family. Happy Easter!

  5. I love this--I'll definitely try that. A whole week to go until Easter so I've got time right?

  6. Oh, if only I'd seen these a fortnight ago!
    I'll just have to try to remember you for next year. :D
