Friday, April 3, 2009

Homemade Granola

What a week. Not only did we say goodbye to a house guest yesterday, but we have new guests arriving today. I haven't had any time for crafting, but did attempt my very first loaf of bread -- honey whole wheat. I felt such pride making it with organic, healthy ingredients, letting the dough rise, and smelling that heavenly scent coming from my oven. As it cooked, my mouth salivated at the thought of freshly made butter on my delicious bread. Then it came out of the oven. And it was about 2 inches tall. Boo-hoo. I have no idea what happened (or what didn't happen) but I promptly threw it out for the animals and have been pouting every since. I'm evidently the first woman on either side of my family not to inherit the cooking gene.

Today I decided to try my hand at granola, which I've also had on my to-do list for quite some time. Besides costing an arm and a leg these days, it always seems to come in a plastic bag (or a bag inside of a box), which is something I'm trying to avoid.

I adapted this recipe from Little Birdie Secrets. I didn't want to make quite so much, just in case (see previous failure). Here's what I used:

3.5 cups rolled oats
1/4 cup ground flax seed
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup honey
1/8 cup water
2 tbsp vanilla
1/4 cup nuts (almonds, chopped pecans or walnuts)
1 tbsp cinnamon
Dash of salt

Warm oil, honey, water, vanilla and brown sugar over low heat in a sauce pan. (You can skip that step, but I found it easier to mix the dry ingredients in that way) Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Stir liquid mixture in and mix thoroughly. Spread on a greased baking pan. Cook at 325 degrees for 20 minutes, stir, then cook for another 10 minutes. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get too brown.

Mix all of the ingredients together and spread out on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. Stir and bake another 15 minutes. Scrape the bottom of cookie sheet as soon as it is done to prevent sticking. Cool and then store in an airtight container.

Let cool. Store in an air tight container. Enjoy!

(I love the heavenly glow above the granola in that photo!)


  1. Oh yum! Your granola sounds great!

    I often mess up baked goods. Then, I buy the break and bake cookies and wonder why I even bother!

    Sylvia C.

  2. I made a loaf of bread this week with a new, no-knead recipe and failed terribly as well. Something in the air maybe?

    I adore granola and make huge batches constantly. When you buy the nuts and seeds in bulk it is so inexpensive! I also love to sprinkle it over vanilla ice cream for a treat. Yum!

  3. Mmmmmm, I love granola but can never afford to buy it as anything other than a treat. Thanks for this!

  4. Oh how frustrating! Especially something as involved as bread!

    Granola has been on my list too! Looks yummy!

  5. You are a clever lady, think we might try these and report back.


  6. Have you tried this yet, as I love granola?

    Gill in Canada

  7. Sorry about your bread but this granola looks yummy!

  8. Ok, your recipe has given me the courage to FINALLY try to make homemade granola. It looks great, and not too hard (like you, I did not inherit a baking gene)!

  9. Sorry about the bread! I think first loaves are best made with plain old unbleached 'Better for Bread' flour. Adding gluten (I use the Honeyville available from will give it more loft. Bread is really, really easy, but it does take a little practice. It's just a matter of getting a feel for the dough and when it's risen enough, not to let it over rise, that kind of thing. Plain old bread flour is best for the learning curve. And it will still taste heavenly. It's nothing like the store-bought stuff.

    Gosh. I'm making myself hungry!
