Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Carnival #143

The Thanksgiving countdown has begun. How are your preparations coming? Quite honestly I am rather behind, and will be sprinting to get everything done by Thursday! Yesterday, I had a small panic when my oven stopped working, but it is functioning again, thankfully!

I'm taking a few minutes this morning to check out the MIFS carnival hosted this week at Frills in the Hills. Here are a few favorites:

Cranberry Chutney

I just adore cranberries this time of the year. I love homemade cranberry sauce, and I love them in breads. Chutney, however, is one way I've never tried a cranberry. This looks delicious.

Wreath Ornaments Made with Pickling Spices

What an interesting, and I imagine fragrant idea.

Homemade Tortillas
This is a reminder to myself to make these again. We've made them exactly once. We loved them, but haven't made them again. I really should make a large batch to keep them on hand.

Thanks for joining us for the carnival this week. The Festival of Frugality is also up and can be found at the Financial Blogger. Hope you Thanksgiving preparations come along smoothly!

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