Friday, November 20, 2009

Tinkerbell costume - great little girl gift!

Kellie is a mom, wife, tree-hugger and crafter. She blogs regularly at Greenhab and the Green Phone Booth.

Now that Macy is in Kindergarten we are starting to get a lot of birthday party invitations. Little girl birthday parties are so much fun, aren't they? But birthday parties in general can get out of hand when you're spending $20 each and going to one every few weeks.

The last party Macy was invited to had a Tinkerbell theme and I just *happened* to see some very Tinkerbellesque tulle type fabric at JoAnn's the week before the party. Did I mention it was on sale from $9.95 down to $3.99 per yard, plus the lady gave me a 20% off coupon? Love love LOVE a bargain!

And I love a quick and easy project! Here's what I did:

1. Unfold the fabric, then refold it lengthwise. I made the top layer about 2 inches shorter than the bottom layer for a frilly-fairy-leaf effect. Iron with a barely warm iron if needed.

2. Fold the top down about an inch and pin, sew a hem across to make casing for your elastic waste.

3. Using a safety pin, thread your elastic through the waste band you just made.

4. Lay flat and cut petal leaves...unless you're making something other than a Tinkerbell skirt of course. You could sew some ribbon on like binding in a contrasting color!

5. Fold with right sides together, pin down the side, sew all the way down. This will change it from one big long piece of fabric into a skirt. Turn it right side out and you are halfway to Tinkerbell.

For the crown, you're going to basically follow the directions I gave for last week's headband, except you wear it like a crown instead of a headband. For the crown part, I cut two pieces of felt, then ironed on an interfacing. You can decorate this any way you'd like. I used some of the scrap pieces of the skirt in the crown. You'll sew the front and back together, leaving each end open to insert the elastic that holds in on your head.

Now you have the cutest little outfit ever for a little girly girl. My daughter has already requested on for Christmas!


  1. That is so cool!!! Taking orders????

  2. Awesome costume!! I bet the recipient loved her gift!!

    I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:


  3. Kellie-This is adorable. Makes me wish my 3year old boy was a 3year old little girl! Just don't tell him I said that!!! ;)

  4. I love this! Wish I hadn't figured out my daughter's gifts already! But I will keep this in mind.
