Thursday, November 5, 2009

Make it From Scratch Thanksgiving

Three weeks to Thanksgiving..... THREE WEEKS! It is time for the procrastinating hostesses, who have barely given a thought to the mass of people that will be at her house for a Thanksgiving feast in just THREE WEEKS, to get with it and start making a plan. Oh yes, my name is right at the top of that list!

To help us (and mostly I mean myself) get a move on, MIFS contributor Jenn and I have pulled together previous Thanksgiving posts found here, Frugal Front Porch and Stop the Ride. Here is a little Thanksgiving inspiration for us all (me!)

The Plan
If you are hosting Thanksgiving at your house, there is so much to do. You'll want to have a clean house, and there are of course all the food items to prepare. It can't all get done the day before. You need a plan of attack. Here are some ideas:

Thanksgiving Day Game Plan
Pulling Off a Thanksgiving Feast

The Recipes

Oh my favorite part!

The main dish.
Roasting the Turkey

Cranberry Sauce
Potatoes and More!
Fried Green Beans

Homemade Rolls
Homemade Biscuits

Pumpkin Pie or Pumpkin Pie made from a Pumpkin
Mason Jar Peach Cobbler
Easy No-Bake Cheesecake

Mmm.... Leftovers
Beans and Rice with leftover ham.

Makin' it all look pretty and festive!
Decorative Pumpkins.

Three weeks really is plenty of time to make and execute a plan for Thanksgiving. (Even if I did panic a little when I realized Thanksgiving was so close!)

top image credit: Lawrence OP