Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Wrap A Gift

So you might be thinking wow Rina...this post might be more suited towards the Christmas season, not the summer season!

Except that summer season is the prime wedding season. And weddings usually involve gifts, right? Not to mention there's always a birthday or anniversary gift to package!

In any case, I know that I'm always having some sort of trouble when wrapping gifts so when I saw this tutorial in one of my free magazine subscriptions I knew I wanted to share it with you, as well as preserve it for my use too!!

So first step is to find a box for the gift. Wrapping an oddly shaped item or heck, even just trying to wrap something simple like a mixing bowl can be difficult but! Put that item into a box and suddenly your task is way, way easier. Got a box? Oh! Grab some double sided tape, too. Okay. Let's get wrapping.

Step 1:
Lay the boxed item face down on top of your chosen gift wrap, leaving the paper attached to the roll. Cut the wrapping paper along one side, ensuring you cut a wide enough sheet to cover both sides of the box.

Step 2:
Stand on the same side of the table as the roll of gift wrap and pull the paper snugly up and over the far end of the box. Affix with double sided tape and crease the paper along the edge of the box.

Step 3:
Unroll the gift wrap and bring it to meet the already wrapped portion of the box. Cut paper from roll, and leave about and inch of overhang. Fold that inch under and crease along the fold. Affix using double sided tape.

Step 4:
Concentrate on one of the open ends of the box. Push the sides of the paper in towards the box, creating four 45 degree angle flaps. Crease along each flap.

Step 5:
Fold down the top flap. Crease quite sharply along the top of the box and crease again where the gift wrap meets the bottom edge of the box. If you'd like, trim the paper along that bottom crease. Affix to the box with double sided tape.

Step 6:
Fold under any excess gift wrap on the bottom flap so it lines up neatly with the top of the box. Affix double sided tape to the bottom flap, then fold over the top flap and adhere.

Step 7:
Repeat Steps 4-6 on the other end of the box. Finish by running your pinched thumb and forefinger along the edges to create sharp lines.

Ta da! Stand back and give yourself a hand - seriously though, how professional does that look?!? If you'd like, you can attach ribbon or some other sort of decoration but I'm fairly plain and simple so I'd typically just add a card or note of some kind to indicate who the gift is for, plus a few personal lines to the receiver.

I'm Rina and I usually blog over at Gotta Little Space - come say hi!!


  1. I really like to take some time and wrap the boxes themselves, so that you can re-use the gift box! Just wrap the top and bottom of a shoebox, then the two halves are tied together with a ribbon! In an evening you can whip up a ton, then never have to wrap gifts again!!!

  2. Aha. So you fold the ends in. I knew there was a trick to pretty wrapping. thanks for the tip and have a great weekend!
