Monday, August 2, 2010

Quickie Summer Fun Crafts

With the summer coming to an end you might be running low on some boredom busters. We’ve still got another month of summer before we head back to the classroom in September so I’m looking for as many ideas as possible!

The one activity I truly love is J’s summer community program he’s joins through the school. It’s a free and voluntary program managed by a small group of school officials and volunteers. The kids are dropped off at the local school for three hours twice a week to socialize, play, go on field trips, and do other fun things. They supply the kids with a snack while they go over character enhancing lessons like sharing, manners, eating well, etc. J really enjoys the time with his friends without mom hovering and I enjoy the quiet time here after a week of frantic summer activities.

Here’s a couple of projects J’s done this year at his summer community program you might enjoy.

Treasure Hunt (Two versions of this game)

Version 1

Grab an empty bottle, any size will do, and a few odds ‘n ends that will fit into the top opening pretty easily (hook free fishing lures, craft pom poms, sequins, rubber bands, foam pieces, small toys, even coins). Fill you bottle 3/4 of the way with sand, dry beans, Treasure Hunt Bottlesrice, bird seed, anything on hand you have that’s cheap to buy or replace! Add your goodies, cap it and give a good shake. Challenge the kiddos to finding a all the treasure pieces. Make a game of it by seeing who can find them all the quickest.

Version 2

Grab another empty bottle, food coloring, some oil (any cheap clear oil will work), and more water proof goodies. Fill the bottle a little more than half way with water. Add food coloring of your choice and swirl it to evenly mix it. Add your water proof trinkets like plastic toys, sequins, rubber bands, etc. Top off with oil, cap and shake.

Make Your Own Chia PetMake Your Own Chia Pet

Grab a plastic cup, grass seed, potting soil, markers, and an old pair of panty hose. Use the markers to decorate the plastic cup as desired and set aside. Cut the legs off the panty hose about 4” to 6” from the toe. Drop in your grass seed then pack in the potting soil. Tie off the end of the panty hose. Dunk the soil filled panty hose in water until the potting soil is thoroughly moistened. Place some water in the cup and put the panty hose ball (seed side up) on top of the cup and watch the grass grow. As long as the pantyhose  touches the water in the cup, it will draw the liquid into the soil.

What are you guys doing to keep the summer boredom blues at bay?

frugal front porchJenn is a stay at home southern mom raising her kids in Northwestern Minnesota with her trucker hubby. She loves to cook, craft and blog. Soon she’ll be going back to school for a new adventure in Graphic Design. You can find recipes, crafts, parenting strategies, budget tips, product reviews and fabulous giveaways on her blog, Frugal Front Porch.

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