Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kreative Bloggers

Taking a small break today from Thursday cooking posts. Hope all your Thanksgiving preparations are coming along nicely.

A big thank you to Modern Mommyhood. She recently awarded Make it from Scratch with the Kreativ Blogger award.

The rules: I have to share six things I'm thankful for and forward this award to six other Kreative Bloggers.

I am thankful for
  • My faith and the freedom to express it.
  • My husband. -He works hard and is so loving and supporting.
  • The 100 Acre Wood. - I love living here!
  • The relative prosperity we as a country enjoy.
  • My children.
  • Blogging- It may sound silly, but it has been a wonderful hobby.

Now to pass the award on to six others.

One pretty thing- Daily inspiration for a handmade life.
Little House in the Suburbs - Simplicity, Creativity, Self Sufficiency, Minivans.
11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven - a hard to say name, for a fun and useful blog
How To Me - Saturday Postings of "How-To's" for you from us.
A Pondering Heart - "But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19.

In other MIFS business....
The blogroll needs a little housecleaning. If you still have a button or link that goes to Stop the Ride, please, please grab a new code from the Blogroll page and update your link. I will be going around to check the blogs on the roll, and asking those with old links to update and removing any blogs that do not have a button or blogroll up.

While I'm sprucing up the blogroll, I will be adding members to the "Updated on the Blogroll" section in the side bar. This will show the last ten blogs that have been updated. Eventually I will move the full blogroll list to the blogroll page, and only the new section will be on the home page. This will take me some time, so patience please! :)

To those of you that have been patiently been waiting to be added to the blogroll, my apologies. The blogrolling site is still down, but promises to be back soon. I will add you to the "Updated on the Blogroll" section and get you on the full blogroll ASAP.

Have a great Thursday all! I'm off to make dinner rolls and pie crust.


  1. Stephanie, thank you so much! What a lovely honor--we are very pleased and it means a lot coming from such a creative person as you. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh, I subscribed to so many blogs from the "One Pretty Thing" link! I'm sucked in!

  3. TL,
    You are welcome!

    I know. Isn't that site great! I'm not even crafty and I love it!
