Friday, May 7, 2010

Lemon Lotion - A Natural Astringent

I've been looking for a good, as natural as possible astringent. When I posted about the World Beauty book, I told myself to make the lemon lotion. The recipe is dead simple - couple of lemons and a bottle of mineral water.

So I made some and so far, I'm liking it. Granted, you don't get that chemical burn 'tingle' that you get with store bought unpronounceable-ingredient toners but the end result is the same. And it's so fresh! My skin feels clean and the faint lemon scent is so refreshing.

Lemon Lotion
2 lemons

1 1/2 cups cold mineral water

Squeeze lemons and strain juice into a small bottle. Add mineral water. Use as an astringent after cleansing.

I didn't know what to put it in though; 1 1/2 cups is such an odd size, it would have been great to use some sort of apothecary bottle or something. For now I used an old jelly jar but I'm planning on doing some thrifting today so I'll keep my eye out for a more permanent vessel.

I blog regularly at Gotta Little Space and Suitable For Consumption - come say hi!


  1. Wonder how long it will last? Probably have to keep it in the fridge with the lemon juice? I made some hair rinse with lemon once and it had to go in the fridge. Going to try it!

  2. Interesting. This is so easy to make that I can't imagine not trying it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yes, I'm keeping mine in the fridge - even though the recipe didn't explicitly say you had to, I think it would be best...not to mention how awesome a cold astringent will feel in the summer!!!

  4. Wow, how smart! I will have to try that next time I have lemons.

  5. I'll have to try this too. Do you just rub it on after you shower and let it dry?

  6. this looks like some thing my girls would appreciate. Looking forward to giving it a try.


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