Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Carnival #150

This week the Make it from Scratch carnival can be found at Gotta Little Space. There are a wide array of submissions this week. Here are some of my favorites:

Homemade Poptarts
Picking this one at the risk of having my family pester me for weeks because I still have not tried to make them. They look so good.

Pick A Free Bag Pattern
Craft Stew always compiles such wonderful lists for us Make it from Scratchers.

Make your Own Shampoo
Not sure I'd actually make this, but then again why not?

Thanks for joining us this week. Be sure to check out the entire carnival at Gotta Little Space.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the links! I like the poptart the most! Sounds delicious and easy to make.
    kitchen tables


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