Thursday, July 29, 2010

Carnival #178 - Summer Garden Chicken

Welcome to the carnival! The Make it from Scratch carnival is your chance to share your projects. I hope you join us by linking up at the bottom of this post.

 My garden is at a point right now where everything is producing, but nothing is producing quite enough to can or freeze. This leaves me with a refrigerator full of a variety of fresh vegetables, and calls for a little creativity to be sure that none of that fresh from the garden goodness goes to waste. Stir fry is a good way to use up a variety of vegetables. So are soups and casseroles, but those really aren't all that appealing to me in the humid 90+ degree heat we've been having.

Inspired by the Campfire Chicken at Cracker Barrel, I decided to try what I'm calling Summer Garden Chicken. Truly, it is only a chicken, a bunch of vegetables, and a little spice. It is my favorite kind of "recipe" (if you can call what I'm about to give you a recipe,) one that is very flexible to suit your tastes, and uses up what you have on hand.

Summer Garden Chicken
A whole chicken
Vegetables, cleaned and cut into pieces
Salt, pepper, red pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Rinse chicken and  place in the middle of a 9x13 pan. Put vegetables in around the chicken. sprinkle everything with salt and peppers. Cover tightly and bake for one hour or until the chicken is done. 
To save heating up the house, this dish could easily be done in the crockpot. It would also work well on the grill. My grill has temperature control issues right now, so I've only tried this in the oven. I used garlic, onion, green pepper, tomato, potato, carrot, eggplant, corn, and green beans in the meal pictured above.

What are some of your favorite ways to use up odds and ends vegetables?

Stephanie is a mom, homeschooler, homesteader in the hills of West Virginia. Find more of her adventures at Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood.  


Carnival Guidelines:

Link up your recipes, crafts, garden projects, yarn creations, home improvement, or other d-i-y posts. Posts about making something, or helpful resources and tips for making things are what we are all about.

Please link directly to the post, not to home page of your blog. Kindly link back to the carnival with twitter, stumble and/or from your blog.


  1. This is my first time visiting here... somehow I arrived via The Homestead Revival:) I just was this link up and thought I'd share a post with a quiche recipe. I hope it's okay that it is from a couple of weeks ago.

    Looking forward to exploring more of the blog!

  2. I mean I just SAW this link up... oops!

  3. Thanks for hosting the carnival!

    Please consider linking up to the Monday Mania blog carnival at

    Recipes, green tips, book reviews, personal stories, vlogs and any other awesome blog ALL welcome! Hope to see you there!


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