Monday, July 12, 2010

Spaghetti for Dinner? Kid Friendly Remixes

With the Four Fellas always hungry, sometimes I find it difficult to keep meal time healthy and interesting both visually and with taste. Spaghetti is always popular in our house and there’s plenty of variations to keep mealtime lively. I use whole wheat pasta and the kids haven’t noticed any difference. I’ve also noticed they are full on smaller quantities so I spend less on pasta at the grocery ~ double whammy win!

…But what to do with the leftovers? Personally, I’m not big on spaghetti leftovers. It’s one of those things from my childhood, I suppose. My mom’s spaghetti was fine the first time around but terribly DRY the second time!!!! I HATE dry sketi so I go the extra mile to make sure my sketi is just as tasty the second time as it was the first time.

011Spaghetti Nachos/Tacos

  Occasionally it’s the simplest of combinations that make for an exciting dinner. I took my inspiration from iCarly with our creation of Spaghetti Tacos and Spaghetti Nachos. I had extra nachos and taco shells from Mexi-night but didn’t have any more Mexi-ingredients. I didn’t want either to go bad so I combined them for a fun dinner night that saved money and fed the masses! lol 015

Tip: Wrap your spaghetti taco like a burrito to keep the noodly goodness from falling out of the bottom!!! ;D

Spaghetti Sandwiches

Simply toast some bread, preferably whole wheat, add a slice of cheese and top with cooked spaghetti mixed already mixed with sauce. Add a top piece of toasted bread and pop either in the oven or the microwave long enough to melt the cheese. Cut your spaghetti-wich in a diagonal and serve with some healthy grapes for a nutritious lunch.

Next time we have left over spaghetti, I want to try making spaghetti pie! From what I remember about the recipe I saw, simply spray a pie pan with nonstick spray, toss in some left over sketti, pack it down with a spoon and bake till the edges get crispy. I’ll have to find the exact recipe to make sure that’s all there is to it but if anyone has one, I’d love to try it.

What are your favorite recipe remixes???

frugal front porchJenn is a stay at home southern mom raising her kids in Northwestern Minnesota with her trucker hubby. She loves to cook, craft and blog. Soon she’ll be going back to school for a new adventure in Graphic Design. You can find recipes, crafts, parenting strategies, budget tips, product reviews and fabulous giveaways on her blog, Frugal Front Porch.


  1. I love spaghetti pie! I haven't made it since I was in middle school though..,1626,145172-241206,00.html
    (except I use ground beef, no celery and no mushrooms!)

  2. Thanks for the recipe link!!! ;D


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