Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Carnival #138

Welcome to Tuesday and the Make it from Scratch carnival! The carnival in its entirety can be found this week at 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven. There is a little bit of everything this week. Here are some I found particularly interesting.

Herbed Olive Oil Crackers

Several posts on making your own crackers recently have me very interested in trying this at home!

100 Delicious Dirt-Cheap Recipes for the Starving Students
Though obviously geared toward college students, this list of frugal recipe links would be helpful to anyone trying to keep to a tight food budget. Besides, you gotta love any list that includes 12 different recipes for ramen noodles!

Chocolate Pudding

MMmmmm chocolate.....

Thanks for joining us for the carnival this week.


  1. I'd love to hear what you think if you try the crackers!

  2. Thanks for the great ideas and recipes! Lots of work and I appreciate it!

  3. What a great idea! I'm going to read through your posts, as I'm all about finding ways to make the things we need rather than buying new. Saves a lot of plastic packaging too.


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