Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Carnival #144

Welcome to the December 1, 2009 edition of Make it from Scratch! December?! What how can that be? Well, on to the carnival.


Fabulously Broke presents Recipe: McGuyvering a Banana Cake posted at Fabulously Broke ....in the City, saying, "Banana cake made with a few substitutions!"

mb presents Sake Marinade Salmon posted at Taberu West Japanese Recipes, saying, "Learn to cook the most delicious salmon."

Our Red House presents Meringues with Strawberries and Cream posted at Our Red House.

Liss presents Sunday Baking Project: Olive, rosemary and gorgonzola loaves posted at Frills in the Hills, saying, "Whatever the season, this is a great bread hot or cold, to eat by yourself or to entertain with. You won't make it just the once."

Kris presents Veggie Might: Grandma’s Apple Pie posted at Cheap Healthy Good.

Annette Berlin presents 18 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Variations posted at Craft Stew, saying, "Tired of the same old grilled cheese sandwich? No problem. Here are 18 yummy variations to perk up your appetite. Enjoy each variation on it’s own, or try combining a few for extra taste."

NerdMom presents Peaches and Cream French Toast posted at Nerd Family Food.

knitting. crafts. other

Cyndi presents Some simple CopprClay pendants to make posted at Beading Arts.

Gary Mullen presents Creative uses for Ostrich Feathers posted at Culture Blog, saying, "Ostrich feathers and their use in craft work."

Free needlepoint patterns for domestic goddesses posted at Miss Thrifty.

Make a knitted bobble hat like Cheryl Cole's posted at Make it and Mend it.

Jessica Garrett presents Holiday Wreath Making! posted at Crafty Tax Attorney.

Darcy presents Smart-Bottom Enterprises: Hand Print Christmas Tree posted at Smart-Bottom Enterprises.

Rod presents Pedal-powered ball machine posted at Tennis Ball Machines, saying, "OK, so this is not something most people would be able to make themselves, but just goes to show you don't have to spend big money to benefit from this kind of technology."

Wren Caulfield presents The fence that makes good neighbors needs a gate to make good friends posted at True Adventures in Money Hacking.

Beth Terry presents Thanksgiving, Buy Nothing Day, & My Travel Mug posted at Fake Plastic Fish, saying, "My attempts to create my own travel mug & cozy. Sometimes we learn from failures too, right?"

pbmedia presents How to Fix a Leaky Delta Faucet posted at jammer(six).

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Make it from Scratch using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page
. Next week the carnival will be at Gotta Little Space.


  1. Thanks so much for including me! I can't wait to try that bread that Frills in the Hills posted :-)

  2. A wealth of info! Thank you - I've a hankering to try the olive loaves - but in whole wheat. Yum!

  3. Thanks Stephanie! A bit late, but I got here eventually! Stumbling now!!

  4. Even later. Thanks for including my post in the carnival. Sorry to check back a month later! Got sick and then all best plans just went down the tubes. :-)

    I'll link back to this carnival post asap from mine.



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