Monday, December 21, 2009

Emergency Gift Ideas

Christmas is almost here! YAY!! Seems like last week was Thanksgiving; I don't know where the time went! The gift list has been made and it's been checked twice. All my shopping is done and the cooking will begin shortly. Gifts get wrapped on Christmas Eve - I've got a 3 year old boy, need I say more? ;D Santa will show up with the rest of the loot sometime during the night! Sounds like I am home stretch, right?

After a visit from some of the hubster's friends yesterday, I discovered I was not as close to the finish line as I thought. After they left gifts for the hubster, the kids, AND me, I was quickly reminded how handy it is to have a few extra emergency gifts for those unexpected or forgotten holiday guests.

Here are my emergency gift ideas! They are quick and easy anyone not on your list would love to receive!
Fancy Peppermint Bark - 10 minutes plus cooling - Melt package of almond bark per package directions. Mix in crushed peppermints. It may turn your bark pink. Pour in a foil or wax paper lined baking pan. Allow to cool. Heat colored candy melts or chocolate in double boiler till melted and smooth. Pour over white almond bark. Sprinkle the top with crushed peppermint. Allow to cool on counter or in refrigerator till set. Break or cut into pieces.

Homemade Caramel Corn - 1 hour 15 minutes start to finish - Preheat oven to 200. Start with 10 cups of POPPED corn and remove all unpopped kernels. Place popcorn on lined large baking sheet or pan and set aside. Over medium heat, combine: 1 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup butter or margarine, 1/4 cup corn syrup and a dash of salt. Bring to boil and boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in 1/2 tsp baking soda (it will foam a little). Continue stirring till it quits foaming and baking soda is dissolved. Pour the HOT mixture over the popcorn. Carefully toss popcorn in the mixture till it is evenly coated. Bake in 200 degree oven for 1 hour stirring at least once. Remove popcorn and allow to cool. It is better than store bought so I'll make this for us as well as for gifts throughout the next year.

Jar Gifts - Time Varies - There are so many ideas using what is in your kitchen already. Cookies, quick breads, drink, and soup mixes. Bath scrubs and salts. Sauce and seasoning recipes. Here's my favorite jar mix recipe site but you can find hundreds by searching for "jar mix recipes". If you preserved any pie filling or soups, they would make excellent gifts too. Simply add a beautiful ribbon and an instruction tag for a great gift.

Electronic Gift Cards - Instantly - Retailers have made it so simple and FAST to purchase and receive gift cards. You can't go wrong with a gift card to Walmart or Kmart. Grocery gift cards are another idea. Then there are movie rentals like Netflix and Blockbuster. My newest find is just for girls, called Fashion Playtes. The girls create their own custom clothing online and use the gift certificate to have it made and shipped. There's several options for under $25. I just wished they had stuff like this when I was a girl!!!

So there you have it, my list of emergency gifts. What's on your list???

From my porch to yours, I wish you a safe and happy holiday season! See you next week!

Jenn also blogs about crafty and foodie things at Frugal Front Porch!


  1. I love all your last minute emergency gift ideas. I want to try and do more baking as gifts next year and will have to remember some of your suggestions. Me, I'm busy on a few last minute crocheted dishcloths for my neighbor and then I think I'm done!! Best wishes and Merry Christmas.

  2. I like your list of emergency ideas! I am very busy this Christmas and it is only a day to go and I still haven't made my shopping so I guess I will probably be doing your ideas.
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