The past few weeks I've been sharing recipes and tips to create a made from scratch Thanksgiving. We've talked about rolls, pumpkin pie, stuffing and cranberry sauce. This week it is potatoes and other sides. Next week will feature the star of Thanksgiving, the turkey. On November 13, I will share a few tips about timing and putting it all together.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Make it From Scratch Thanksgiving - Potatoes and Sides

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Carnival #87
This week the carnival is at Lighter Side. This week is a slightly smaller than normal carnival. I heard that Blog Carnival was down over the weekend. Just remember if that happens submissions can always be sent to makeitfromscratch at . There are still plenty of delicious recipes and cute crafts to see. Check out the complete carnival for yourself, but here are a few that I found particularly interesting.

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Make Your Own Crackers
Crackers are a traditional New Year's Eve favor in the UK. They are becoming increasingly popular in the US and these days and you can even find pre-made Christmas Crackers in some stores.
Crackers add a lot of fun to any occasion. Kids love to make them as well as open them. Since they hold less, they can be a frugal alternative to the traditional birthday party treat bag. Some other ideas:
~Tie on to a package/gift bag or add to a package in place of a bow.
~Make several for a classroom treat.
~Make as party favors using one color tissue for children and one color for adults.
~Use as a creative way to give cash as a gift.
~Include two in your child's overnight bag when they spend the night with a friend.
~Keep several on hand for last-minute treats or unexpected guests.
~Hide them and let guests search for them like an Easter egg hunt.
Here's what you'll need:
Cardboard tubes (from T.P., paper towels, gift wrap or make your own from card stock)
Small trinkets that fit inside tube (see list below for ideas)
Tissue paper to match your occasion
Double-sided tape
ScissorsStep 1- Fill your paper tube with the items you have chosen.
Step 2- Place a strip of double-sided tape down the length of the tube.
Step 3- Cut a strip of tissue paper about 5 inches wider than the length of your tube.
Step 4- Place the edge of the tissue paper on the strip of tape to secure it to the tube. Place another piece of double-sided tape on top of the edge of the tissue.
Step 5- Roll the tube up in the tissue.
Step 6- Cut two 6 inch pieces of ribbon and use to tie the tissue paper closed at each end of the tube so that the finished piece resembles a giant piece of candy. Curl ribbon if desired.
Ideas for cracker fillers:

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Homemade Rolls at your Thanksgiving Table
Just thinking about fresh from the oven homemade bread makes my mouth water. It is just so good! Buying frozen dough or rolls from the bakery for your Thanksgiving dinner can be a close substitute, but they just don't quite achieve the taste of homemade.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Carnival #86
The carnival this week can be found at 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven. You are going to love the visual feast presented there. Please enjoy this excellent edition of the carnival. Here are some of my favorites this week.
Anything with chocolate and peanut butter is worth blowing the diet for in my opinion.
I love these dispensers. How perfect for a home with a country decor! And easy enough that even a non-crafter, like myself, could make!

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Lollipop Ghosts
These cute and friendly ghosts will be a sweet addition to any Halloween function! Make enough for your child's class or make just a few to have at home. Fast and simple is the name of the game here. I'll be you even have the materials on hand right now!

Friday, October 17, 2008
We've been Nominated
A big thank you to Miss Jocelyn over at A Pondering Heart for nominating Make it from Scratch. She is nominating us for the Best Variety category. We need three nominations to make it to the polls. Please take a moment to click on the button above and second (or third) the nomination. Thanks!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pumpkin Pie
Grandma Norma's Pie Crust
An easy to work with no fail pie crust.
You can make the crust now and freeze until you are ready to make the pies. Pies can be made a few days before Thanksgiving and stored in the refrigerator.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Carnival #85 - Fall Colors
It is a colorful carnival this week, full of crafts and wonderful fall recipes. Be sure to check them all out at Stop the Ride, but I will share a few of my favorites with you here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Decorative Pumpkins

This is a great project for kids to help with, but be sure an adult does the hot gluing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Homemade Stuffing
Amish StuffingFirst make your own broth - Use the the liver, gizzard, neck, and any other parts included with your turkey. Fill a medium pot with water, add the turkey parts, and boil for 15- 20 minutes until the meats are cooked through. Strain the broth. Cut the organ meat into small pieces. (This is optional, but it does add a lot of flavor to the stuffing.) You can get some meat from the neck, but we normally discard the neck. If you do not have giblets to use, use canned broth.
8 C dry bread cubes - I'm not sure why, but I always buy these (unseaseoned.) They could very easily be made from your own bread or from saved heels or stale bread.1/2 each grated carrots, finely chopped onion, and finely chopped celery
small tub of fresh oysters with their liquor, chop if the oysters are large
1 TB poultry seasoning. You can use the premixed or mix your own using thyme, sage and even a bit of ginger is good.
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
Mix all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl, except for the broth. Add broth about a cup at time until the bread mixture is throughly soaked. Don't add too much liquid, just enough that the bread is saturated. Water or milk can be used if you need a bit more liquid. Extra broth can be used to make gravy.
Personally, I don't stuff the bird. I think the turkey stays more moist and has a better flavor if you fill the cavities with celery and onions. You can use the dressing to stuff the bird if you prefer.
To cook the stuffing, grease a 9x13 pan. Put the stuffing mixture in the pan and bake at 350F until done to your liking, about 45 minutes to an hour.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Make Your Own Ball and Cup Game

Staple gun

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Carnival #84
Apologies for the tardiness of the carnival this week. Here is an impromptu version of the carnival. Thanks for your patience.
Kelly from Almost Frugal presents Endive Gorgonzola Soup posted at Almost Frugal Food.NerdMom presents Spinach and Sausage Egg Casserole posted at Nerd Family Food.
ChristineMM presents My Italian Tomato Salad Recipe posted at The Thinking Mother.
Kate @ A Simple Walk presents Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/29 posted at A Simple Walk.
:: Suzanne :: presents Zucchini Loaves posted at :: adventures in daily living ::.
Abi presents lighter side - Green-Tomato Chutney posted at lighter side, saying, "Try this on your brats or hotdogs. OH so yummy!!"
NtJS presents Picked a Peck of Peppers posted at not the jet set, saying, "A little prep work today, enables our cooking tomorrow to be pepperlicious."
Rebecca Galla presents Broccoli Cheddar Soup posted at Nourishment for the Way, saying, "We've ordered Broccoli Cheddar Soup at Panera Bread so many times. This is my attempt to re-create it at home!"
axel presents The Healthy Salad posted at axel g.
Tomato Lady presents Homemade Pita Bread posted at Little House in the Suburbs, saying, "Thanks!"
Erica Burgan presents Homemade Sloppy Joes posted at The Sojourner.
SeaBirdChronicles presents Pumpkin bread in muffin form posted at SeaBird Chronicles, saying, "Pumpkin bread in muffin form!"
Kris presents Veggie Might: Low-Down Curried Root Soup posted at Cheap Healthy Good, saying, "Thanks for hosting!"
Sharee presents The secret of fabulous turkey gravy posted at A bit of flour.
Becca presents Pumpkin Butter posted at BrightHaven Times.
Stephanie presents Make Personalized Glasses posted at Stop the Ride!.Heather presents Homemade Bookmarks posted at Make It From Scratch.
Annette Berlin presents Changing The Engine posted at Craft Salad, saying, "My husband took photos of many of his automobile repair projects. After a lot of thought, I decided to make a scrapbook page documenting one of the bigger projects."
Jocelyn @ A Pondering Heart presents Modest Make-Up? posted at A Pondering Heart.Mary@SimplyForties presents Going Scratch posted at SimplyForties, saying, "I'm examining my life to see how I can "Go Scratch"."
vh presents Baby oil as cabinet cleaner posted at Funny about Money.
That concludes this edition. The next edition will be hosted at Stop the Ride! Submit your blog article to the next edition of make it from scratch! using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page. Hosts are need for November and December. Please email me makeitfromscratch at

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Calling for Hosts!
The carnival hosting schedule is looking a bit sparse! Would you be interested in hosting? Check the simple guidelines here. Hosting the carnival is fun and easy. Plus, you get first look at all the wonderfully creative submissions. It also brings a lot of traffic and link love to your way. Please email me at makeitfromscratch at to sign up!
And don't worry, I know it is Saturday, and you are expecting a fun and easy craft post from Heather. She is trying, but a little glitch, like the electricity being out, is making it quite difficult for her to get her post up. She will share her craftiness with us as soon as she can!

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Beats the stuff in a can any day!
I love cranberries. I like them dried. I like them in breads. I like cranberry juice, but that blob that pops out of the can and passes for cranberry sauce on the Thanksgiving table, I can do with out. I know some of you love that pre-made cranberry sauce in a can, but I challenge you to try making your own once. It is incredibly easy, and the flavor far exceeds the canned version.Homemade Cranberry Sauce
This can be made several weeks ahead and stored in the refrigerator. Try a batch before Thanksgiving and see what you think. If you like it, you'll have one thing to mark off your list. If you don't like it, you can always go buy a can of sauce.